
Missed Appointment

Jared wasn't sure if he'd ever had a woman curl up on him like this before, for the simple pleasure of being near him. There had always been more expected. But while there were still temptations, he found himself enjoying this moment very much. It was simple. It was innocent. 

Keeping his arms wrapped around Grace, he kissed her lightly on the head. His eyes closed all on their own, proving just how exhausted he was. For him, this had been quite a busy day. He wouldn't trade any of it though, even if he could...

...Jared's head jerked up and he realized he'd dozed off for the last few minutes. He sighed deeply and gave Grace an extra squeeze. "You stay here much longer keeping me all warm and cozy, I'm gonna fall asleep," he teased. He really didn't care about what was playing on television. They'd missed most of the movie anyway, being too involved with each other. 

Gunner gave Bree's hand a squeeze in return before running his fingers playfully through her hair. "I know. Let's just forget about all this tonight though, okay? I just wanna enjoy your company." 

As it turned out, Gunner avoided any more talk about his problems the rest of the evening. He wound up falling asleep on the couch, then waking up only to bid Bree goodnight, then go to bed. Taking what Hope gave him helped. At least he didn't have to deal with any nightmares, and he slept the night through for the first time in ages. 

The next day was a long one. Not having work to go to, it left is mind with too much time to think, and his apartment wound up a mess once again, with his research strewn all about. He napped through lunch, then was back to the paperwork once again.

Come Friday, there was little he was thinking about, other than the case. He'd spent a little time with Bree and was sleeping better as long as he took something before bed. But even so, one look would tell anybody that he was under so much stress that he was ready to either have an anxiety attack or slip a cog. And he really wasn't sure which it might be either. What he did know was that he'd decided not to go in to TJY. And as such, he purposely missed his one o'clock appointment with Hope. Instead, when he should have been meeting with her, he sat on the floor of his bedroom, leaned back against his bed. He wore a wrinkled t-shirt and pair of jeans that he'd slept in the night before, and he hadn't shaven for two days. Yet he really didn't notice. All he knew was that something was wrong. Somewhere. Inside. It wasn't right. None of it was. Where were the answers?

Hearing a car, Trent pried is eyes open from his brief nap. He tilted back his hat and looked up to see a vehicle pull into the driveway. His stomach flipped when he saw Thirteen get out of the car. 

Getting himself to his feet, it was just in time to be enveloped in her hug. He grinned rather sheepishly and hugged her back. "Hey, you... I just thought I'd drop by." 

He pulled himself back and gave his daughter a long look before smiling again. "I haven't been waiting long - just long enough for my old bones to have a nap."

"G'day, Trent." Ryder smiled and offered him a handshake. This was certainly a surprise, but a good one. Thirteen deserved a visit from her dad. 

"Hi, Ryder." Trent nodded and returned the handshake. "How's things going?"

"Eh - alright, I reckon. Keeping your daughter in line is the hardest part." 

Trent chuckled and shook his head. "For some reason, I don't believe you." He winked at Thirteen. "I hope you don't mind I didn't call first. Figured I'd stay a few days if it's alright."

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