
Her job

Looking up as the door opens Misty was slightly surprised to see Carson. Though it slightly irritated her to see him she let out a sigh. She had to at least be nice, it looks like he really did need a doctor. Glancing at his hand and than up at him Misty stands. It figured Rick would be gone.

   "No he's off today. But I can't very well tell you to go away can I. go sit down and tell me what happened."

Going over to the counter Misty pulls out a few things she thinks she might need. She didn't quite know what was going on yet but she had a good idea from all the blood. More importantly was Misty was trying to keep herself calm, and no up tight. She didn't like seeing Carson but this was her job and she had too.

Shaking her head at Jared Grace finishes cleaning up letting Jared go and get comfortable. She new it might take a little more time for him to get comfortable and Grace didn't want to feel awkward. She just wanted to make sure that tonight he would feel a little better.

Finally finished Grace heads into the living room and gives Jared a smile. Seeing him comfortable she shakes her head a little bit and sits down next to him. Leaning her head on his shoulder Grace looks up at him a little bit.

   "Find anything good?"

   "Ok I can do that for you."

Reaching into her draw again Hope pulls out a pad of paper and a pen. Jotting down a script for Gunner it was something light to help him sleep but would help. She didn't want anything to heavy after all. Reaching over the desk and handing it to Gunner she smiles.

   "Here you go. Get some rest and you can come see me anytime again. But I will set our next session for friday afternoon."

Hope new Gunner didn't like this and she hated making him come but she had too. It was important, and if it even helped Gunner have a little peace of mind, than it really was worth it.

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