
Did you kow

Watching Carson Misty can feel a tight hand around her heart. She was still angry at Carson but it still hurt to see him so sad and out of it. She could hear the pain in is voice and it cut her heart deep. There was something about the look that was in his eye that made Misty feel conflicted. She hated seeing anyone so depressed.

Turning around again to put stuff away and clean up Misty lets out a long sigh as a tear rolls down her cheek. When Carson was around she could feel the pain so deep, but when he was gone things where ok and she new where he life was going. She was with Jason and she cared about him. She didn't need anything more than that. He had been so good to her and yet, it still hurt.

Taking in Jared's kiss Grace lets her eyes fall shut slightly letting her emotions soak in Jared's kiss. As he pulls away she opens she eyes and smile till he comes back for some more. Letting her hand creep up his back and hold him close to her. Her other hand to the back of his head. Pulling away for a little bit she smiles again.

   "Mmmm...did anyone ever tell you your good at kissing?"

Setting her pizza down Bree pulls her legs up on the couch ad she moves closer to Gunner. Putting her arm over his stomach and leaning her on his chest Bree help Gunner. He might be bigger than she was but she still liked still comforting him.

   "Hope can help you. Maybe we both don't know how but...she's good good like that and knows what she is doing."

Letting out a small sigh Bree leans her head up to look at Gunner a little better. He looked so tired and stressed. She wished there was more she could do or say to help him but she didn't know what else to do.
She could be there, and listen to him when he talked but if he wasn't talking than what could she do?

   "I can help you with anything...research, looking up old files, anything. I am simply willing to listen as well. Your never a bother, or stress me out with anything you say. I always will listen to you."

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