
Wast of time

Getting pulled into the kiss Bree really didn't mind much though it just made her worry more. Letting his own eyes fall shut for a long moment as she just soaks everything in. She loved Gunner's kiss and feeling his emotions, she loved his touch and just being there with him. Returning the kiss with passion Bree doesn't break away till Gunner does.

   "Talking isn't a wast of time when I can tell something is definitely wrong. It's not like you to not talk to me, or dodge questions and it makes me worry even more."

Searching Gunner's eyes hers reflect how much she really was worried. Even if he told her not to be Bree new something was wrong and it just made it worse. She wanted to help Gunner if he needed it or just be there for him but she wanted to know what was wrong first so she could try to help.

Leaning against Reese  Angelica just listens to him. She new he's had a rough day from start to finish of his day so she didn't mind being the sounding bored at all. Hearing his invitation about running off together and leaving everyone else behind she stops for a moment turning and looking at Reese for a long moment. She wasn't sure if he was being searous or not. Would she do something like that? Would he? She could hear Charlotte  voice in her head. Live a little sis, do something just because.

   "Lets do it...maybe...vagus?"

Looking down at Rosalyn Chad just searches her eyes. Maybe he seemed a little strong in his statement? Did he startle Rosalyn? He hadn't meant to his feels were just strong for her even if he couldn't understand it. There really was just something about her.

   "Forever is a long time, and I can't see whats going to happen year, month, week or even tomorrow but I know that I can tell you that my feels for you are strong and I want to see you happy and I think its sad your family can't see that. No one is going to scare me away, and I'm not going to tuck tail and run from you. There is a reason God let me find you, and I'm not about to give that up."

Taking Rosalyn's hand in his own and linking his fingers with her he brings her hand to his lips and gives it a kiss and than placing it on his chest. Giving a soft smile he continues to look down at her, his eyes twinkling slightly in the lights on the path. He really hoped he hadn't frightened her to bad. He just wanted her to know he really meant it when he said he wasn't going to give up that easy.

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