
Other than today

Letting out a sigh and shaking her head a little bit she new better than to make any reply to what had happened. She thought the whole fight sounded silly and while Mick had his reasons for doing things, she really didn't think violence was the answer. But she would stay quiet since it had nothing to do with her.

Turning and heading into the infirmary and looking over Jim Angel couldn't help but feel he did deserve this just a little bit. With the way he'd been acting, and the fact he's hit Clint what goes around comes around. Right after thinking that though Angel felt bad She shouldn't think like that and it was wrong of her. 

   "Well I think your going to make it Jim. Sore for sure, but nothing to badly hurt. Your going to have to take it easy with your ribs, and rest your eyes but the swelling will go down and you'll be right as rain again."

Studying Jim for a long moment Angel cocks her head for a second studying him. She wasn't a shrink so she couldn't tell how someone was feeling on the inside but something was definitely going on with Jim and she couldn't help but feel it was more than just Chad. He was acting very out of character even if he was a Henson.

   "How have you been feeling other than sore now? Everything been going ok, feeling good?"

Wiping her wet hands off on the towel she study's Mick and his own battle wounds. She new he really did feel badly about the fight. He's been so good about controlling his temper and not using fighting as his answer for everything. It had to be strange now to have let go like that.

   "I know you feel horrible about it Mick, and I can't say I agree with what happened but it does seem like Jim was asking for it too. I am not quite sure whats gotten into him lately."

To: Rosalyn
From: Chad

Sounds to me like you need a 
get away more than ever now.
I'm not giving up, I'm not 
letting go. I'll be there about
six and don't worry about whats
your going to ware. Even non 
fairytale have happy endings. 
I'm going to get you your's
if it kills me. I'll fight for 
both of us.

Looking down at the ground for a second than to Susanne and than back to Reese Hope shakes her head a little bit at him. He's could demand she tell him but she couldn't and wouldn't. Though it felt strange having to say no to the boss she new the rules of HIPPA as well and to be broken could cause many problems.

   "I'm sorry I can't disclose that to you, but I can tell you Gunner needs to talk to someone soon."

Giving a nod and a small smile to Reese she hoped he would understand her reply without her actully saying what she thought and breaking pashent confidentiality. It was the best she could do.

   "Anyways I just wanted to let you know that I had seen him last."

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