

Just letting Gunner stumble over his words Grace didn't push him, or try to make him hurry with his answer. She new he would figure it out on his own and make the right desition or so she hoped since he had made it this far already. Searching his face and see him finally come to the desition to go to lunch with her Hope was satisfied.

   "Ok, lets meet in fifteen minutes at the little Chinese place down the road ok?"

...and in fifteen minutes like planned Gunner and Hope were sitting down at the table. Food ordered, drinks had come and a strange silence seemed to follow. Searching Gunner's eyes as she took a sip of her water Hope new this was hard for him. It had been the first time and she new it would be again. With some people it just always worked that way and she understood.

   "So...tell me about these bridges you are seeing again. As long, and deep as last time, or just starting off short and shallow?"

Looking up at Rick Misty smiles. Maybe there was more than one reason she was put here. Maybe it was more than just helping the sick, maybe it it was to just help. Either way it made Misty feel good and she enjoyed the smiles.

   "It's my pleasure...you know that Rick."

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