

Listening to Jared it started to make a little more sense to her now what was going on and why he had said what he did. If she had been thinking a little harder she could of guessed it without him even having to tell her. She thought it was silly really he thought this but on the same hand she understood in a way where he was coming from. Still though Grace wondered when it would get stuck into his head she was not going anywhere.

   "Sorry Jared but a friend doesn't work that way. You can't just throw them away because your scared. I might not have a say if you want a different person to work on your leg, but I do have a say on our friendship and I am not throwing it away."

Standing again and going to the blinds Grace opens them letting the nice sunlight flood into the room. It was to dark in the room and if Jared was letting himself slip into depression again than he needed more sunshine. She wasn't going to give up on Jared. She told him that when they first started and she meant it.

   "I told you before you have changed even if you don't think so and I know you would be able to stop yourself. Your not the same person anymore and I am not giving up on you so your just going to have to deal with it."

Listing to Clint Wes could feel himself start to get upset at his brothers actions. Clint was like a son to him, and Rosalyn was his fav niece. To hear how Jim had been treating them hurt and he didn't under \stand why he would be like this. Wes didn't know if it would help or make things worse talking to Jim. He didn't want to make it worse on them both but if he saw something like this happen again or Jim treating them like crap in front of them than he would say something.

     "I think its great your there for your sister. You guys have been through so much you both deserve to be happy and have that chance. It's wrong you got a black eye as a result of it."

Looking back into the young man's eyes Wes could see the hurt and pain, the little boy that was crying on the inside and it pained Wes even more. He wondered if Jim even realized what he was doing to his kids and how this could affect them, and there relationship with him. It was sad, and Wes hated being on the outside looking in.

   "No matter what happens though Clint, never lose you sights, your sense of right. I'm also sorry your dad is acting like this. It's not right, and I know it might not help but I don't think you did anything wrong at all."

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