
Do you think She...

Feeling Jared's hand on her neck and than the back of her head Grace can't help but give a small shiver. She'd never felt completely comfortable with anyone like this before but something about Jared, no matter what she did or didn't know about him she felt safe, like everything would be ok and he wouldn't hurt her. Though the sound of her own beating heart made her fear Jared might hear it because in her own ears she could hear the pound.

As Chad's lips come close to her own and feeling his passion Grace can't help but lets her own arms go tighter around him keeping Jared closer to him as well. Letting her own passion flow through the moment Grace couldn't help murmur that escaped her lips as Jared's lips moved from hers and than back again. Soaking in the moment Grace was enjoying it and was a little disappointed as Jared pulled away.

Looking into his eyes once again she can't help the little bit of color that spreads across her cheeks. She never been kissed like that before and though she liked it she couldn't help the color. It made her feel warm and tingly and she liked it.

   "Mmmm...ok your right that was a little better. Any more intense and I think my heart might just beat right out of my chest."

Smiling down at Cindy Wes can't help the biggest smile that spread across his face. Everything about this moment was perfect, even if there was no breakfast, as long as his wife was there, his family was there he would be happy.  They meant everything to him how could he not be happy.

   "Mmm...well I am happy I didn't lose my touch on cooking. At least I can still help you with that now."

Once Cindy had her plate of food Wes moved around to the other side of the bed spreading out but staying close to Cindy still giving her room to eat. He just wanted to be close to her because to him this all felt like a dream too even if he new it wasn't.

Leaning on his elbows and looking up at Cindy Wes gives her arm a soft kiss before letting his eyes meet hers and just search them for a very long moment. He loved there depths, and how they sparkled. They were so pretty Wes had never seen anything prettier. It was Cindy and the thought of her and Kaylee that helped him get through the hard times, and would continue to.

   "It will be nice to see everyone else again too. Might be a little over whelming but not to horrible as long as I have my two best girls by my side. Think Kaylee will know who I am?"

Stepping out of the hotel Chad feels his cell phone go off. He was up early today and looking forward to seeing Rosalyn. He would take her into town and it didn't bother him all the driving. He was use to it with his job so it was just like another day but for an even better reason.

Reading the text Chad can't help the slight feeling of disappointment. Part of him wanted to go get her anyways, and part of him said no. Maybe she did need her space. If she ditched out tomorrow he could go get her right? Letting out a long sigh he hits reply.

 Alright, I'll see you tomorrow than,
 No ditching me than though or I
 am gonna come get you anyways.
 Try and have a good day Rosalyn
 I am only a phone call away.

Hitting send Chad hoped in the text he didn't sound to disappointed. He didn't want to make Rosalyn feel bad. Now he could look around town and check out a few places right? Alone...but he could try and still make it fun?

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