

With little else to say, Jason just nods then heads to his office to get ready. Seriously? Why was Reese doing this? He knew they hadn't worked together in a long time and knew why. Why was he choosing to throw them together, on a stakeout no less? Maybe everyone else really was busy, but Jason still didn't like it. 

As planned, ten minutes later, he had one of the smaller Elite cars around front, picking up Katie. The ride to their destination was rather quiet, other than Jason asking Katie to confirm the address. Even after they arrive and park a half block away from the house to watch, the car is uncomfortably quiet. 

"Of all the jobs," Jason comments dryly. "Reese could've put us on something a little more exciting than this." Maybe it was because it was an easy job and Katie hadn't yet been out on too many assignments in a long time. Maybe it was because Jason's knee still wasn't a hundred percent, and all they had to do was sit here. Either way, it really was boring. 

Keeping his eyes out the window at the house, Jason leans back in the driver's seat, trying to get comfortable. "I should have brought some Moutain Dew," he grumbles. 

"Oh, thank you, but Justin is coming today. He already is planning to take me to see Jared." Lydia sighs, thinking of all that needed to get done today. "I am sure I will see you soon though, Grace. You can tell Jared I will see him later." 

In the hospital, the room was quiet except for a couple softly whirring monitors. Jared lay in bed, sleepy and somewhat lethargic from the medications he was on. The outside light had bothered him, so the window curtains were drawn, and television didn't interest him. Overall, he was rather depressed he was here again, while at the same time, he was too out of it to care an awful lot. 

It was a beautiful afternoon in the park, despite the evenings getting colder. Though there had been a slight chill in the air, the sun remained warm, providing the perfect day for a picnic. And, as promised, Mackenzie had been brought for a picnic with Alec and Carson, under the supervision of both Ken and Jeanette. It had taken some convincing, but after Alec talked with Justin and Justin talked with Ken, they had finally agreed to letting Mackenzie see Carson again, as long as they were there.

While Jeanette worked with the grill to cook some hotdogs and hamburgers, a friendly game of football had struck up between Mackenzie, her fathers and uncle...after she'd taken sides with Carson to gang up on Alec and Ken.

"Catch him, Mac!" Carson yells, trying not to laugh. "Get him!"

Mackenzie shrieks as Alec whizzes past her with the football he'd just caught. "Nooo!"

Not too far away in the park, Eli stands over another grill, prodding a couple hamburgers for Ryan, Tal, Scarlet and himself. He and Scarlet were heading to France tomorrow, so they'd decided to take advantage of a nice day before they left. Hearing the yelling and laughing closeby, he lifts his head to look around, spotting the other group.

Sitting at the table with Ryan, Tal looks over his shoulder, hearing the same commotion. And seeing who it was, he bristles...

Alec tucks the ball under his arm and dashes to the made-up end zone, more determined to beat his brother than Mackenzie. But turning around to look over his shoulder was his demise. Mackenzie was faster than anticipated.

Catching up to Alec, Mackenzie dives headlong toward him, grabbing his legs.

Alec yelps as he slams into the ground, losing his grip on the ball. Being crawled over by Mackenzie, there's a bit of a scuffle and confusion before both are lying on the ground laughing hysterically, the ball wedged somewhere between them.

Finally composing himself, Alec sits up and retrieves the ball. "Looking for this?"

"Gimme that!" Mackenzie swipes it from him while still giggling.

Alec reaches over and ruffles her hair. "Okay, fine. Good tackle. Give me five."

Mackenzie gives him a high five before standing up, football in hand. Her attention is diverted though as she glances over to some other people nearby. "Hey... isn't that your girlfriend... Ryan?"

Alec stands too, brushing himself off as he follows her gaze. Seeing the small group, something inside of him hurts. "Uh, yeah, that's Ryan, but remember? She's not my girlfriend anymore."

"I still saw you kiss her."

Alec rolls his eyes, hiding the pain that the subject caused. "Things change. She's... happy now. With someone else."

"Oh." Mackenzie starts forward, noticing Ryan's car. "Well can we still-"

"Hey." Alec sets a hand on her shoulder and turns her around to go back to the others. "Come on. They've got their own party going on."


"But nothing." Before the girl could argue with him further - or before he could think about it anymore - he steals the ball from her and starts to run.

"Hey!" Mackenzie takes off after him. "No fair!" 

Eli keeps his attention on the grilling food, even though his eyes stole several glances over at the nearby football game. He assumed the kid was Alec's niece, and... whether he liked to admit it or not, it looked like Alec was having quite a fun time, and the girl seemed to adore him. Interesting. It wasn't exactly something Eli would have expected to see. He glances over his shoulder, wondering if his sister had spotted Alec too. At least it seemed that Alec was going to keep his distance. Thank goodness for small favors. 

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