
Never Again

Walking with Cindy Wes content and happy to see the people they passed. Having them stop giving him handshakes, hugs it was nice to see everyone smile. After knowing how broken up everyone was they thought he was dead Wes was happy to put some smiles on there faces.

Stopping hearing the laughter that rang in his ears Wes just stood still watching his daughter play. She was so big now, he'd missed so much, to see her now it was an over whelming feeling of emotions. As Kaylee runs to Cindy and turns to him Wes can feel his heart beat out of his chest. She didn't remember him...or...did she?

   "Hey there Peanut."

As Kaylee reaches out and runs a finger down his cheek Wes gives a smile smile. He hoped his scars wouldn't mask who he was, or scar his little girl. His heart was beating so fast right now he wondered if anyone else could hear it. So many emotions played in his eyes, so many things he felt.

Taken by surprise as Kaylee jumps into his arms Wes is quick to hold her and keep her close. As her arms wrap around him he can't help but finally let his tears flow. So many emotions and and he just wanted them free. His little girl, his little baby girl remembered him.

   "Oh Hunny....I think I can come get chocolate milk with you and Mommy can come too. I love you both so very much and promise never to leave for an extended amount of time again."

Still leaning against the wall Grace wasn't sure what to do. This whole thing with Jared was like a roller coaster but she didn't want to give up. That just wasn't her to give up but she needed to remember what was best for Jared too.

   "Let me talk to him and see whats up. If he really wants someone else than...I guess I have to respect that but maybe I can get him to change his mind."

Still looking at  Clint Angel couldn't help but be worried about Clint and why he was trying to hid things. Was he really in trouble? Did she need to say something to someone? This wasn't normal for him and she didn't like it.

   "I wont tell Rosalyn but you need to give me some kind of information so I don't have to tell someone Clint. This is not like you, and if your in trouble someone needs to know."


Unca Uke

Accused of lying, Clint really had no defense, and he knew it. He also knew it had been stupid to even try. Angel could read him far too well for him to be able to get away with something like this.

With slouched shoulders, he stands and wanders to the window with his back to Angel. Lowering the ice pack, his fingers fiddle with it nervously. Eventually he turns back around to reveal his gaze that bore an incredible amount of suffering... suffering that was being locked inside and not allowed to be released. There were no tears, but only because he willed them not to surface.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "It's just, um... the truth is something I don't feel comfortable sharing. I shouldn't have lied though." He shrugs lamely. "Please, just... don't say anything to anybody, okay? I can't let Rosalyn find out."

Dr. Harvor sighs and purses his lips as he thinks. He trusted Grace - she had an unblemished record, she worked well with people, she was honest, and it was obvious that she had done good work with Jared's physical therapy. That's why this whole thing felt odd.

"Hmm... well, I suppose that's a possibility." He really had no idea of the young man's emotional state, let alone feelings about any kind of rocky past. "Do you think I should try reasoning with him - when he's pulled through this current situation, of course - or do you think he would benefit more from some other kind of psychiatric help? Or do you think you should speak to him directly? You know him better than I do... If what you say is true, do you believe he simply needs to talk about it? I'd really hate to reassign a different therapist - one, if you're right, and two, because you already have made so much headway with him, it would be hard for someone else to pick up where you left off."

Standing beside her, he leans back against the wall too, and nods as a nurse walks by, pausing until she was out of earshot again. "I'm willing to act on your recommendation before filing his complaint."

"Yeah, well... Reese has been giving me more and more work lately with less and less information." Jason shakes his head. "I think he's just too busy to keep up with it all. I'm not even sure he's been taking any days off at all, and I'm sure that hasn't done anything good for him and Angelica." 

Capping his Mountain Dew, he sets it aside for later. "He said something recently that gave me the idea he was thinking about making some changes at TJY but he hasn't said anything more. Only thing I know is he's had a lot of contact with the other Elite chiefs at other locations lately, but he's tried to keep it quiet." 

Still keeping an eye on the house they were watching, Jason realizes that's about as much as he'd said to Katie all at once in quite a while. Maybe this whole being friends thing really could work. It felt rather unnatural, but... it did feel better than being at odds. 

"Nooooo!" Kaylee squealed with laughter as she took off across the yard with Luke in hot pursuit. He couldn't move very fast, but it was at least fast enough to keep up with Kaylee's toddler-sized legs. 

"Aha!" Luke snatches her up around her waist and swings her high in the air. "Gotcha!" 

"Unca Uke! Pu' me down!" Kaylee shrieked as he swung her around before falling into another fit of giggles. Finally set down, she reaches up to him again. "More! Again!" 

Luke laughs and shakes his head. "I'm afraid you're wearing me out, Junebug."

Kaylee giggles again, her face flushed red from playing, and her pigtails all askew. She'd been passed between several people since last night, but she took it in stride. As far as she was concerned, everyone here was her family, and she was used to being taken care of by any of them. Besides home, her favorite place to stay was with Clint and Wendy though, and Luke and Angel were a close second.

"Come on." Luke takes Kaylee's hot little hand and starts back to the dining hall. "How 'bout some chocolate milk!" 

"Yes!" Kaylee nods her agreement. "Choc ilk." 

"Chocolate milk."

"Choclee ilk." 

Chocolate milk."


Luke laughs and shakes his head as they slowly walk. Stopping near the porch though, he and Kaylee spot Cindy at just about the same time. 

"Mama!" Kaylee lets go of Luke's hand and takes off running for Cindy. Tripping halfway there, she sprawls in the grass, just to pick herself up and keep going like nothing happened. 

Luke's smile widens as he sees Cindy is not alone. He'd been looking forward to seeing Wes again... and just laying eyes on him now and seeing for himself that he was not dead... it was a good feeling. 

Kaylee doesn't stop until she's been picked up by Cindy. Giggling, she gives her mother a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Hi, hi." 

Cindy laughs and hugs her tight. "Hey, you. Looks like you've been wearing out poor Uncle Luke." 

Kaylee scrunches up her nose as she gives her a silly grin. "Yes." 

Cindy just grins and rolls her eyes. Turning towards Wes, she catches his eye, giving him reassurance. "Look who's here, Pumpkin."

Kaylee hadn't been paying any attention, and had been so focused on Cindy that she hadn't noticed the man with her. Studying him now, her sparkling eyes roam his face. Her hand clutches Cindy's shirt tightly, to make sure she stayed with her mother. "Who da?" 

"This is Daddy... do you remember him? Daddy's home now, Sweetheart." 

"Daddy?" Kaylee tries out the word as her brow furrows while trying to figure all this out. 

"That's right," Cindy encourages. Did her daughter even remember at all? 

Kaylee's expression remains inquisitive, almost confused as she reaches out with her hand and touches Wes' face. Her finger gently feels his cheek, and her eyes continue to study each little detail. Then all at once, without any warning, she lets go of Cindy and throws herself at Wes, her arms wrapping around his neck. "Daddy!" 

Cindy almost drops her before she's safely in Wes' arms, and a laugh sticks in her throat, mixed with overwhelming emotions. 

Kaylee giggles as she hugs Wes' neck. "Yes. Daddy." Pulling back a little she points to the dining hall, perfectly content in the new perch of his arms. "Choc ilk." 

Cindy wipes away a tear as she laughs. "Did Luke promise you chocolate milk?" 

"Yes." Kaylee nods, making her messy pigtails bob all over. "Daddy." She taps Wes' shoulder. "Go wif." She points to the dining hall again. "Choc ilk wif us?"

I'm sorry

Hearing what Dr. Harvor had to say Grace was a little shocked. She had no knowledge of this at all or even a inkling that this might be coming. It completely blindsided her and the look on her face she new said so. Why would Jared say they were not getting along when clearly they had been. They had even had a nice lunch together the day before the last. 

   "We...I'm sorry Dr but I don't know what I can tell you other than Jared and I have been getting along. This have been looking up, his spirits have been higher, and we've been getting along better than when we first started out. I have been doing myself to stay positive with him."

Stopping for a second Grace leans against the wall. She was happy the hospital wasn't busy today and all eyes were not on her. She didn't like to be the center of thing specially when it came to something like this. Going over everything in her head it finally hits her. Was Jared doing this because he didn't think he was good enough to have there friendship? It was the only thing that made sence.

   "I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I know he made mention the other day that with his past he wasn't good enough to have friends like me. Honestly that's the only thing I can even think of that might have anything to do with it." 

Leaning against the counter and looking at Clint Angel is silent for a long second. It was strange hearing her son in law lie to her. It was very unlike him to say the least. Even with everything that happened with him and Wendy he never lied about anything or made an excuse so why would he now?

   "Those doors can be tricky, but I think it needs to hit you again in the face if you keep lying to me."

Shifting and coming up next to Clint Angel sits down cocking her head to look him in the eyes. What had happened that he felt he needed to lie to her? Could it really be something that bad? Was he in trouble or the family? There were so many questions to ask.

   "So...lets try this again. What happened Clint?"

Shaking her head Katie new what Jason was going to say before he even said it. She has spend far to long with his emotions running around inside of her to not know. This could be long, and it could be short but it would be boring for sure. Steakouts always were but with Jason they seemed to be ok at least. 

   "Ok, that sounds like a fair deal to me. I still can't believe Reese sent us here without really knowing anything."

Katie couldn't help but wonder if there had been another motive here somewhere. Maybe she was wrong but it just seemed to fit with how everything was going down and she couldn't help the feeling. For now though all they could do was wait and see what would happen.


Not lying

"Okay." Dr. Harvor gestured to the door. "Let's step out into the hall." It was quiet on this floor today, so there was little traffic. 

"I had some information I was supposed process several days ago, but it got lost in the cracks and I neglected to get it done in a timely manner." He tucks his hands in the pockets of his smock, his facial expression remaining thoughtful. "I was a little surprised to find you in Jared's room just now. When he came in for his shoulder surgery, he asked if he could be assigned with a different physical therapist from now on. His reason was that you and he weren't getting along, and he'd be more comfortable with a man."

Dr. Harvor shrugs. "As far as I was concerned, you were one of the best we had, without a mark on your record, so naturally I was confused. I figured it was his right though, so I started that paperwork I never finished."

Pausing, he studies Grace's face. "I've never heard a complaint about you until now. Would you... mind telling me what happened?" 

Clint avoids answering Angel's question, and simply accepts the ice pack and Tylenol, which he downs easily. Putting the ice over his eye, he winces a little as the pressure stings. 

"I gotta fix that door on the shop," he muses. "That spring is too tight and it likes to snap back in people's faces." 

While he spoke though, he refused to look at Angel. It was a lame effort at not lying and not telling the truth either.

"No, he didn't." Jason rolls his eyes. "This could shape up to be quite a long day..." And night. But he really didn't want to say that. 

"I vote if by the time the sun goes down we haven't seen movement, we call in to see what on earth we're supposed to be doing." 

Mick laughs and holds up his hands in surrender. "It was both of them... but the rest of us jumped on board pretty quick. Don't worry though - we know you don't like big deals, so we're really just using it as an excuse for some good food and fellowship time."

Nodding at Wes' question, he starts back towards the barn. "I gotta keep working anyway, so I'll walk with you. Just be glad Cindy called... otherwise we might have a lot of heart attacks..." He pauses when he suddenly remembers Jeff. "...And we've had one too many of those around here already."  


Looking down at Jared and shaking her head Grace would of said more but seeing Jared was fast asleep again there was no point. If he happened to say it again when he was awake she would be sure to set him straight. Moving as the Dr comes in Grace lets him do his thing. Hearing his comment he needed to talk to her Grace got a strange feeling that she didn't like. Almost like she new a wave of bad news was coming.

   "We can talk now if you like. Jared is sleeping and I am waiting for his mom anyways so now is as good a time as ever."

Hearing Clint's voice and look up Angel was a bit shocked to see the bruise forming on Clint's face. He wasn't one to get into fights all the time so seeing something like that was shocking. Standing and coming over to him quickly Angel looks over his face.

   "Clint...what happened?"

Going to her cabnit and grabbing an ice pack Angel brings it back to Clint along with a cup of water and some Tylenol. It would help with the swelling but sadly there would be a mark still. It didn't look to bad but it looked bad enough she new for sure Wendy would see it and thats why Clint was looking for something.

Katie gives a small laugh. She understood what Jason was saying about it being strange but it was better than nothing and Katie was happy about that. It was a start and they had to start somewhere, sometimes that was the hardest part was knowing where to pick up again.

   "We always did make a pretty good team if I do say so myself. I think its a good place to start anyways." 

Looking to Jason again for a second with a smile Katie looks out the window again and gives a smile before looking out the window once again. Letting out a small sigh this really was a boring steakout and sometimes they were always like that but this time around there was hardly even any movment too.

   "Reese say how long we had to stay?"

Hearing about the little party Wes can't help but roll his eyes. He really didn't want to make such a big deal about this but how could he not expect this with this family. It's just how it worked and he was thankful at least they cared.

   "Do I owe the thanks to your wife or Becky? If it wasn't one of those two I'd be hiding."

Giving a laugh and wrapping his arm around Cindy Wes shakes his head before leaning down and giving her a kiss. His eyes smiled so much it was easy to see how happy he was to be home.

   "So shall we find more people to shock?"


Eric grins and slips his arms around Stacy as she comes nearer. Returning her kiss, he gives her a little squeeze. "Mm... maybe I shoulda got my hair cut sooner." 

Still grinning, he looks down at her, his eyes twinkling. And he wasn't so sure that he'd ever tire of seeing that look of affection in her gaze. He hoped he wouldn't. It was too precious a feeling. 

Ashlee's remark just makes Dylan's face even redder, and he chokes on some sort of laugh. "Well, um... thanks... I guess?" Eric reaches over and thumps the back of his head, making him flinch. "Hey, what was that for?"

"You gotta learn to take a compliment." 

Dylan rolls his eyes. "Yeah, like you?" 

Eric looks down to find his arms still around Stacy, and he laughs. "Well I don't want you going overboard." 

"Can we like... eat? I'm starving."

"Nice change of subject." Eric relents though, and lets Stacy go, but keeps one arm slung over her shoulders. Wandering back to the table, he takes a seat next to her, leaving the other side for the kids. 

Letting Ashlee slide in the booth first, Dylan slips in next to her, extra careful not to crowd her, and quite aware of her mother sitting right across from them. 

Mick has a hard time letting go of Wes, but he does, stepping back and just giving him a long look, his smile returning. "There's nothing to be sorry for." He pauses. "Just don't do it again." 

Cindy chuckles and links her arm with Wes'. "I'll make sure of that." 

"Good." Mick thumbs to the barn. "Well, a bunch of the guys are in the barn if you want to head that direction. We, um... expect both of you for supper for sort of a welcome back party. Nothing big, but we wanted to do something." 

"Angel?" Clint taps on her office door lightly before opening it cautiously and peeking inside. Entering slowly, he makes sure the door shuts behind him. He hadn't been back from town long, and had since dropped Rosalyn off at the dining hall so she could work the rest of the day. 

"I just... um... well, I was wondering if... if you had something..." He glances down and finally turns his face so she could see his eye that was quickly turning a nice shade of purple. "...that might help so this wouldn't get too nasty?"

Jason cocks his head and gently touches his pop bottle to Katie's before taking a long swig. Thinking about what she'd said, he nods slowly. "I... guess I do hope we can stay friends," he admits. "Kinda weird still but... I dunno... maybe time does heal wounds." 

He moves his gaze to the window, quiet again for several minutes. "Maybe we'll at least still make a good Elite team, huh?"

Jared gives Grace a little smirk before his eyes fall shut again. "You'll... get tired... v'nt...v...vently..." He gives up on trying to pronounce "eventually" in his state. "I'm... not... not worth it." 

"Knock knock." Dr. Harvor enters the room slowly, approaching Jared's bed to check his vitals. "Sorry to interrupt." Not that he was interrupting much - Jared had just fallen asleep again. "You're a pretty loyal therapist." 

Leaving Jared be, Dr. Harvor pauses at the foot of the bed, still studying Grace. "I'd like to speak with you... if now's not a good time, then at least before you leave." 

Not Suprised

Smiling down at Jared and seeing him away even if it was in a state of a fever she was still happy to have proof he was ok. Jared was going to pull through this, after everything he had too and Grace would be there every step of the way.

   "I could hardly get tired of seeing you. Even if you are in a mess."

Grace really did enjoy spending time with Jared.  Even if it was in a different way than she liked it was still nice. The conversation was good, the laughing was good it was just a complete package.

Hearing Eli's comment Ryan can't help but shrink  a little as her smile grows bigger. Looking at Alec and the others again for a quick second she looks away and back to her brother shaking her head.

   "Sometimes tells me I would not be surprised if you did have the room bugged."

Moving her leg under the table and bumping Tal's with her own Ryan smiles to him again. They were going to be kept busy while Eli was gone for sure. So while she as going to miss her brother at the same time she new it would go by quickly.

   "First things first after they leave...camera hunt. I dont need my big brother seeing any of this stuff."

Being pulled into Eli Scarlet gives a laugh. Leaning her hand on Eli's chest and standing on her tip toes to giving him a kiss she pulls away and smiles. She was so happy he was coming with her on this trip. It was business but they would be able to have fun as well and sharing it with the man she loved was better than doing it alone.

   "Yes I think we will be to busy. But we do need to bring them back something or we might never live it down."

   "I've got to, I know you always forget at least one thing. So if I don't pick up the slack than where would that get us?"

Giving a smile Katie retrieves her own bottle and cracks it open. Taking a sip she lets the pop slip down her throat laughing at the bubbles tickle her nose for a second. She didn't drink to much pop anymore so when she did it always felt strange. This was one of those times though that she couldn't turn it down. It was just tradition.

Hearing Jason's comment about moving forward Katie gives a little nod of her head still looking forward for a long moment. Moving forward, it seemed easy and hard at the same time. Katie new that they both were doing that already with there lives and yet something great seemed to be missing. Katie new that it was because she and Jason just wernt the same anymore. They only talked when they had too and there was such great tension in the air. She hated this feeling she had when they use to be so close. 

   "Moving forward is important and looking into the past really wont change anything. Even if its hard not to sometimes and feel regret."

Finally looking away Katie looks to Jason. Seeing he wanted to toast Katie lets out a small sigh. Maybe they would be ok, and they could be friends. It was something she hoped and wished for more than anything. She wasn't upset wit Misty and was happy that at least Jason had ended up with someone so nice and sweet even if she felt bad for Carson. She couldn't see anyone else she'd rather see Jason with.

   "To the future, and to friendship no matter how slow it goes, at least there is still that."

Looking up and seeing Eric enter the dinner Stacy can't help her smile. Standing and going over to him she runs er hand though his hair. She liked his longer hair so the face he didn't get it all cut off made her feel good.

   "Short, but not to short, its perfect. Than again you always are good looking in your rugged way."

Standing up on her tip toes Stacy leans into Eric and places a kiss on his lips before pulling away a little bit and looking into Eric's eyes. She sure was going to miss him while he was on the road. The only comfort she had was the fact that he'd be back soon, that had been his promise.

Rolling her eyes as she mom kissed Eric Ashlee couldn't help the little smile too. She might play like it was disgusting but she was happy her mom and was happy. Seeing Dylan she smile grew a little more. Dylan was cute to start with but he sure did clean up nice and looked even better/

   "You pass the test. You look amazing more than normal."

Giving a laugh and starting forward Wes was happy Cindy was with him. She gave him the strength, she always had to face everything head on and just take things as they came. God had given him Cindy for many reasons and one was to be his lifesaver when he felt like he was drowning. Wes couldn't imagen where he would be without her.

Getting to the ranch yard and scaning the area himself his smile grows a little more. He's missed it here for sure and to be back felt amazing. There safe haven, there life, there home, this was a place many only dreamed about but they had made it possible, had made a life, and community. Wes couldn't thank God enough for giving him more time  to continue to enjoy this life.

Seeing Mick come over Wes' heart pounded in his chest, in his ears. His brother, it was good to see him again and it was good to see him well. Giving a nod still holding Cindy's hand Wes found the words through his own emotions to talk.

   "I like to make an entrance...I am a Henson after all."

Finally letting go of Cindy's hand and stepping forward Wes returns Mick's hug his own tears rolling down his cheek. So many emotions ran free it was hard to pick witch one was witch so crying seem the best option to let them all out at the moment.

    "It's good to see you again Mick. Sorry for the scare."


A lifetime ago

Jared's hot skin felt as if it were being touched by a cool spring rain. His face automatically turns slightly, following the light sensation. Hearing Grace's voice, a faint smile shows itself. "I'd know your touch... anywhere." His voice was almost a whisper, forced through feverish exhaustion.

His eyes crack open slightly, just enough to make out her blurry form."It's different... than anyone else's." His fingers curl around hers weakly. "You're gonna... gonna get tired of... seeing me like such a mess."

Tal tries to ignore the other people in the park, inwardly rolling his eyes at the coincidence. Alec sure had a knack for showing up at the worst times. It wouldn't be so bad, but when Ryan looks at him, though her mouth was smiling, something in her eyes wasn't. And all it did was irritate him. 

He forces his own smile though and takes a sip of lemonade before chuckling. "Mm... sounds like a good idea to me." His cheeks redden slightly, but his eyes twinkle with humor. "Might as well take advantage of him being gone." 

"Hey..." Eli's growl from his throat was low as he looks over at them. "I have eyes everywhere. Even when I'm gone... I still know everything."

Tal snickers. "I knew you had hidden cameras. I just knew it." 

Eli grins and flips over a hamburger, really not bothered at all by the thought of Tal spending even more time with Ryan. If there was ever a man he trusted with his sister, it was Tal. Slipping his arm across Scarlet's waist, he pulls her closer, still grinning. "I guess I'm gonna have enough to think about without worrying about these two back here..." 

"How's the restaurant going?"

 Carson thinks as he chews his hamburger. "It's going alright. A little slow at the moment, but I expect things will pick up again."

Ken nods thoughtfully as he watches Mackenzie sitting next to her biological father, and wondering at the girl's drive to spend time with him. She'd stopped her constant begging to see Carson lately, but it was obvious that today she was enjoying his company immensely. Even Carson seemed to be doing a little better as far as interaction went. He still seemed a bit awkward around his daughter, but maybe Justin was right... maybe the man really was trying to get his life straight, and, as a result, he was responding to Mackenzie better than he had before. It hadn't been easy for Ken and Jeanette to agree to this get-together today, but they trusted Justin. He'd told them how Carson's situation wasn't quite what it seemed, and Alec had proven to be trustworthy. A picnic had seemed a safe test to see how things went.

"I miss your pizza." Mackenzie nudges Carson's arm.

"Well I'm still making it." He nudges her back.

Mackenzie smirks and glances over to her mom. "Can we eat at Mom and Pop's again sometime soon?"

Jeanette grins and shakes her head. "We'll see."

Alec is the quietest, mostly just watching the others. He was more of an outsider than anyone here, but deep down inside, there was a warm feeling for being included. After his little chat with Carson, he'd talked to Justin about getting Mackenzie and Carson together again, but he really hadn't expected himself to be invited. His and Carson's relationship wasn't terrific, he knew he had yet to earn full trust of Ken and Jeanette, and Carson was still unsteady around his daughter. This whole little scene really shouldn't be happening at all... but it was... and... deep down, he liked it.

Carson had felt ill-prepared for today, but he'd agreed anyway. He wasn't sure why. But...perhaps on the sleepless nights when the only thing his heart felt was desperate loneliness and grief for what he had lost, he had realized just how many things he'd taken for granted - Mackenzie included. He still wasn't sure how the whole father/daughter thing was supposed to work, and her affection still made him feel a bit awkward but... in a way, her desire to be with him was a little ray of light in hid world which had become so dark lately. And Alec... well... maybe he was starting to see the value in his brother as well. At least in a way he had a very small connection to Misty through him.

The little picnic couldn't last too long, and soon the group was parting near the cars in the gravel lot.

"Bye, Alec." Mackenzie gives him a hug, giggling when he tickles her on the ribs. "See you soon."

"You betcha, Blondie."

She scrunches up her nose to smirk at him, but her grin proved she didn't mind the nickname. Moving to Carson, she hugged him extra tight, seemingly unwilling to let go. Carson put a little more effort than usual into returning the hug, hoping to reassure the girl that he was still here and wasn't going anywhere. No...no, he wasn't going anywhere. "Hey..." He coaxes her back a little so he could look down at her face. And for the first time, he saw himself in her eyes. And it brings a small smile to his lips. "You behave yourself, alright?"

"Yeah, okay." Mackenzie shrugs. "Will I get to see you again?"

"Mm... well, that'd be up to your parents." He glances over to Ken and Jeanette. "You just keep on trusting them and listening to what they say, 'cause they love you and only want to do what's best for you."

Mackenzie sighs and finally lets him go. "Bye."

Within minutes, Carson and Alec stood alone, watching the car drive away. It was Carson who sighs first. "Thanks, Alec."

"Huh? For what?"

"For instigating this."

"Oh." Alec shrugs. "I sorta had fun I guess."

"Yeah... me too, I guess."

Soon it was just Alec standing alone. He'd parked on the other side of the park, and slowly makes his way to his motorcycle. As he walks through the grass, his eyes glance back over to the other group. But all it did was send that all-too familiar pain through his heart again. He missed Ryan. He even missed Eli. He missed being a part of their family. Their friends. He missed the experience of hanging out with them and having fun. 

Swallowing hard, he pulls his eyes away and continues to his bike. All of that... was a lifetime ago.

After Katie's initial comment, Jason was even less glad he was on this job. No, he and Katie weren't yelling at each other all time, or any of the time. They were very civil and as far as he was concerned, they were getting along quite well after everything that had happened. But she obviously didn't want to be here either, and it just made the atmosphere worse.

When she presents the Mountain Dew though, Jason's lips act faster than his brain as they smile. He rolls his eyes but accepts the drink. "You always did think of everything, didn't you?" Opening the bottle, he takes a swig and nods. "Thanks."

A moment or two later, he can't help a laugh. "Here we are, both wishing we were somewhere else. Doesn't seem like all that long ago we would have begged to be on a stakeout together." He dares a glance at Katie, giving her a sorry sort of smile. "But I guess when you can't go back... all you've got is the future, huh?"

His heart hurt. More than he'd like to admit. He had a good thing going with Misty, no doubt, and he was certainly happy with her. But he'd been with Katie for so long and been so close to her, that being at odds with her still stung. And yet... he knew that this tension couldn't go on forever. At least he didn't want it to. There was no point.

Lifting his bottle of Mountain Dew, he offers her a toast. "To the future. And to us... wherever our paths take us."

"There. Nobody will recognize you."

Dylan smirks at Eric as he brushes some stray pieces of hair from his shirt. "It wasn't that bad."

Eric grins and checks himself in a mirror, running a hand through his newly-cut hair. "Not if you like being a caveman."

"Shut up." Dylan gives Eric's arm a shove, though a grin sits just below the surface. "Besides, you should talk. You know Jeff's gonna say you didn't get enough cut off."

"He's just jealous of my naturally gorgeous locks."

Dylan rolls his eyes. "Right."

Eric just laughs and aims for the barbershop door. "Come on. The girls said they'd meet us next door for lunch."

It really was shaping up to be a fun day in town. Plans had changed somewhat, so they could be sure and be back to the ranch in time for supper and a little party for Wes. Eric had wondered if they should even come to town at all, but he didn't know what time Wes and Cindy would even come to the ranch, and he figured they would have enough attention the way it was. So the foursome had come into town as planned - just a little earlier, and it would be lunch together rather than dinner.

"Ah. There they are." Eric opens the family diner door for Dylan before following him inside and to where Stacy and Ashlee were waiting. "Well, ladies... what do you think? Do we pass the handsome inspection?"

Dylan gives him an elbow to the ribs, while his face turns a little red.

"I'm always ready, as long as you're by my side." Cindy smiles up at Wes, knowing he was nervous. She couldn't blame him. After all, he'd been gone for so long, and much of the time, thought to be dead. It was strange for the others, and strange for him too. But she knew that everyone would be so very happy to see him, that the awkwardness wouldn't last long. 

She squeezes his hand and starts forward. "Come on. If we don't go soon, your brothers will probably come throttle you for making them wait so long." 

They could have driven, but the walk was too nice today. Sunshine and a warm breeze made for lovely walking weather, and Cindy couldn't remember a walk she'd enjoyed more. When they finally reach the ranch yard, she stops and scans the area to see everything alive with activity. 

It was Mick who spots them first. Having just come from the barn, he stops and stares for a moment, his heart flooding with so many emotions. There was his brother. The man they thought would never return to them. Who they had accepted as dead and tried to move on. There he was, standing with Cindy, very much alive. 

Keeping himself from running, he approaches them while taking off his gloves. His smile though, couldn't be hidden. Stopping in front of them, he looks to Cindy first with a nod, then finally to his brother, locking eyes with him. "You sure know how give a person a shock, you know that?" Unable to contain himself any longer, he reaches out and pulls Wes into a strong hug as tears fill his eyes. "Man, it's good to see you." 


Sitting in the car with Jason Katie couldn't help but feel the awkwardness that was in the air. It was so thick you could be cut with a knife. Katie new this was a job and she had to get over it but still this job seemed to come out of no where and there was no time for preparing herself at all. Maybe if she had things would be a little different and she wouldn't feel so out of place.

   "You know Reese a last minute thinker, or maybe this is his way of forcing us to get along. Though I don't know why he would think we don't. It's not like we go around yelling at each other every day."

Looking out the window herself Katie gives a shake of her head her own comment seeming silly now that she had said it. Why did things have to be like this? Everything happened because of her but she was trying and just wished things would be less strange. Jason and herself had been so close at one time, even as just friends Katie wanted to get back to that. Jason new about her more than anyone and how she felt. It was something that had run deep in both of them.

Breaking her train of thought at the mention of the Mountain Dew Katie can't help but give a little smile. Moving her gaze from the window Katie looks down at the bag she had with her. Reaching into it she grabs two bottles of pop. Holding one out to Jason she smiles.

   "I new we might be needing it and have never gone on a steakout without it so I did remember to grab some along with snacks"

Hearing that Justin would be bringing Lydia Grace was happy that at least someone would be bringing her to see Jared. Grace new how worry she sounded and it was important that she was able to go see her son.

   "Ok Lydia I will see you soon. If you need anything please call me."

Hanging up the phone with Lydia Grace lets out a small sigh as she says a small prayer. Jared had been through so much already she wondered when it would end for him. He was doing good, putting one foot in front of the other and than would get knocked back a little. It scared Grace that maybe ones of these times he got knocked back he wouldn't make the steps forward.

It didn't take long to get to the hospitle and though Grace did lots of work inside here it just seemed she was here more than normal and it made her sad because than she remembered how hard Jared had, had it. Getting to the room and entering Grace's heart sank a little bit. She didn't know how bad Jared was but it didn't look good.


Coming  closer Grace wasn't sure if Jared was sleeping or not. Seeing his eyes closed she tried to smile anyways. Reaching her hand out to lock her fingers with his. Leaning forward with her free hand she brushes a peace if hair out of Jared's eyes giving a smile. She'd let him sleep for now.

   "I'm here Jared, just rest."

Giving a laugh at a comment Tal threw at Eli Ryan shales her head. She new Scarlet and Eli wouldn't be gone forever but she was going to miss them and it would be lonely without him around. Hearing the laughter and commotion a little ways away Ryan looks over Tal's shoulder a little surprised by what she saw.

Mackenzie, Alec. and Carson all together...getting alone and playing? It was a concept that was strange to Ryan seeing as last she new Carson couldn't stand Alec. She must have missed much. A small smile spreads across her face. She was happy that they were getting along. Alec needed that, Mac needed that, and so did Carson. As the same time the smile passes her lips though a small sad look entered her eyes as well. She'd missed so much in this growth, it was so easy to see....it was something she had hoped for, for Alec and she'd missed it. 

Turning her attachen back to Tal Ryan smiles again though the look was still in her eye she tried to hide it. She shouldn't be sad it was her choose to walk away from Alec but with good reason. It's not like there had been non what so ever. She had someone great in front of her who loved her and yet...there seemed to be a little hole.

   "So...you going to spend lots of time kissing with Eli gone? We wont have anyone making comments like he doesn't kiss his own girlfriend."

Take Cindy's hand and looking down the lane Wes takes in a deep breath. He new this time would come, and it was time to go see the rest of the family. In a way he was very nervous. Why he wasn't sure. Maybe seing Kaylee after so long, maybe it was just seeing everyone. He has to though, it was only right and things would be fine.

   "Ready love?"



With little else to say, Jason just nods then heads to his office to get ready. Seriously? Why was Reese doing this? He knew they hadn't worked together in a long time and knew why. Why was he choosing to throw them together, on a stakeout no less? Maybe everyone else really was busy, but Jason still didn't like it. 

As planned, ten minutes later, he had one of the smaller Elite cars around front, picking up Katie. The ride to their destination was rather quiet, other than Jason asking Katie to confirm the address. Even after they arrive and park a half block away from the house to watch, the car is uncomfortably quiet. 

"Of all the jobs," Jason comments dryly. "Reese could've put us on something a little more exciting than this." Maybe it was because it was an easy job and Katie hadn't yet been out on too many assignments in a long time. Maybe it was because Jason's knee still wasn't a hundred percent, and all they had to do was sit here. Either way, it really was boring. 

Keeping his eyes out the window at the house, Jason leans back in the driver's seat, trying to get comfortable. "I should have brought some Moutain Dew," he grumbles. 

"Oh, thank you, but Justin is coming today. He already is planning to take me to see Jared." Lydia sighs, thinking of all that needed to get done today. "I am sure I will see you soon though, Grace. You can tell Jared I will see him later." 

In the hospital, the room was quiet except for a couple softly whirring monitors. Jared lay in bed, sleepy and somewhat lethargic from the medications he was on. The outside light had bothered him, so the window curtains were drawn, and television didn't interest him. Overall, he was rather depressed he was here again, while at the same time, he was too out of it to care an awful lot. 

It was a beautiful afternoon in the park, despite the evenings getting colder. Though there had been a slight chill in the air, the sun remained warm, providing the perfect day for a picnic. And, as promised, Mackenzie had been brought for a picnic with Alec and Carson, under the supervision of both Ken and Jeanette. It had taken some convincing, but after Alec talked with Justin and Justin talked with Ken, they had finally agreed to letting Mackenzie see Carson again, as long as they were there.

While Jeanette worked with the grill to cook some hotdogs and hamburgers, a friendly game of football had struck up between Mackenzie, her fathers and uncle...after she'd taken sides with Carson to gang up on Alec and Ken.

"Catch him, Mac!" Carson yells, trying not to laugh. "Get him!"

Mackenzie shrieks as Alec whizzes past her with the football he'd just caught. "Nooo!"

Not too far away in the park, Eli stands over another grill, prodding a couple hamburgers for Ryan, Tal, Scarlet and himself. He and Scarlet were heading to France tomorrow, so they'd decided to take advantage of a nice day before they left. Hearing the yelling and laughing closeby, he lifts his head to look around, spotting the other group.

Sitting at the table with Ryan, Tal looks over his shoulder, hearing the same commotion. And seeing who it was, he bristles...

Alec tucks the ball under his arm and dashes to the made-up end zone, more determined to beat his brother than Mackenzie. But turning around to look over his shoulder was his demise. Mackenzie was faster than anticipated.

Catching up to Alec, Mackenzie dives headlong toward him, grabbing his legs.

Alec yelps as he slams into the ground, losing his grip on the ball. Being crawled over by Mackenzie, there's a bit of a scuffle and confusion before both are lying on the ground laughing hysterically, the ball wedged somewhere between them.

Finally composing himself, Alec sits up and retrieves the ball. "Looking for this?"

"Gimme that!" Mackenzie swipes it from him while still giggling.

Alec reaches over and ruffles her hair. "Okay, fine. Good tackle. Give me five."

Mackenzie gives him a high five before standing up, football in hand. Her attention is diverted though as she glances over to some other people nearby. "Hey... isn't that your girlfriend... Ryan?"

Alec stands too, brushing himself off as he follows her gaze. Seeing the small group, something inside of him hurts. "Uh, yeah, that's Ryan, but remember? She's not my girlfriend anymore."

"I still saw you kiss her."

Alec rolls his eyes, hiding the pain that the subject caused. "Things change. She's... happy now. With someone else."

"Oh." Mackenzie starts forward, noticing Ryan's car. "Well can we still-"

"Hey." Alec sets a hand on her shoulder and turns her around to go back to the others. "Come on. They've got their own party going on."


"But nothing." Before the girl could argue with him further - or before he could think about it anymore - he steals the ball from her and starts to run.

"Hey!" Mackenzie takes off after him. "No fair!" 

Eli keeps his attention on the grilling food, even though his eyes stole several glances over at the nearby football game. He assumed the kid was Alec's niece, and... whether he liked to admit it or not, it looked like Alec was having quite a fun time, and the girl seemed to adore him. Interesting. It wasn't exactly something Eli would have expected to see. He glances over his shoulder, wondering if his sister had spotted Alec too. At least it seemed that Alec was going to keep his distance. Thank goodness for small favors. 



Seeing is was Lydia calling Grace answers it. She was half way there and normal would not answer her phone while driving but something just told her this time she should. Hearing Lydia's voice and hearing Jared was in the hosp again her heart raced.  The poor guys couldn't get a break cut to him.

   "Oh no...alright I am going to head to the hospital to see how he is doing. Do you need or want me to stop by and get you to come too?"

Grace didn't mind stopping and picking up Lydia as well if she wanted. She was already half way there and it wouldn't be out of the way at all. Truth be told she didn't want to go to the hosp alone either. She would but if she could have company that would be better.

Looking at Reese almost dumbfounded Katie looks to Jason and than back to Reese. She and Jason had been on steak outs before but that was different, things were different than. Not there was tension, an awkwardness and Katie wasn't sure this was the best idea.

Not being able to say anything as Reese walks away her mouth hangs open a little bit. About to say something to Jason she was cut off by his words and lets out a huff. This was going to be loads of fun she could tell all ready. No matter what though it was there job and she did need to deal with it.

   "Ten minutes yeah, yeah that should be enough."

Karla gives a smile thankful for Kips thoughtfulness to her but at the same time she shakes her head. She loved being with the band, and she loved traveling this was her family now but without Kip it would be to empty so without him, she wont be content to stop as well.

   "If your not with the band than there is no reason for me to stay. I like being here because of you and I like seeing the joy in your eyes when you play. So if leave I will too because I want to watch as new joy takes form in your eyes."



Not knowing what else to say, Jason starts to leave, but stops at Katie's thanks. Daring to catch her eye once more, he holds his stare this time as if searching deep inside her for more than her words. "Yeah... no problem."

"Jason. Katie. Good, you're together."

Jason straightens as Reese approaches, lifting his eyebrows. "What's up?"

"I need both of you. Everybody else is busy, and we need to check out a guy named Doug Breemer." Reese comes up to the cubicle and presents a photo of a man about forty years old. "This is a job dumped on us by the police department. Basically, he's drug scum, but they don't want him arrested yet. They just want to know his pattern. He's been hibernating in his house though, and all the police want is to know when he leaves and if he does, where he goes." He shrugs. "A simpler stakeout there's never been. But I want two agents, and you guys are it."

Jason's eyes widen. "Well how long-"

"As long as it takes," Reese interrupts. "If nothing's happened by tonight, we can switch over a team, but until then, it's your two pairs of eyes."

"Aw, come on!" Jason throws up his hands. "I had plans after work today."

"Sorry. Unless you've got a better job offer, I suggest you get busy." Reese whacks Jason's chest with the file folder of information and waits until it's taken from him. "The address is in there. Report back only after you've got something for the police."

After Jason watches Reese walk away, he turns his sour expression on Katie. "What a great way to spend the afternoon," he comments dryly. He might be irritated on the outside, but on the inside, he was nervous. He hadn't spent any time with Katie in quite a while, especially alone with her, and under the circumstances, he really wasn't looking forward to this. But it was their job. They could do it without getting on each other's nerves, right? 

"Ten minutes and I'll have one of the cars around front. You be ready by then?" 

Kip gives Karla's hand a squeeze and he musters up a small smile for her. "Thanks. If... if you decide to stay with the band to help them out like you have been though... I wouldn't blame you. I mean I wouldn't take it personally or anything. Not that... I'd like you being out of town away from me, 'cause I like having you around and all, I just..." He shrugs. "...I don't want my decision to keep you from doing what you want." 

"Grace? This is Lydia. I didn't know if someone else would call you or not, so I thought I would, just in case." She fiddles with the cord from the kitchen phone. Grace was supposed to come work with Jared today, and Lydia was glad she'd caught her before she'd left home. 

"Jared is in the hospital again..." She goes on to explain that while Jared's shoulder surgery was an outpatient procedure, the day after, he had suddenly become very sick, unable to keep down any food, and running a high fever. Admitted into the hospital again the doctors quickly discovered a rapidly spreading infection. Because of lingering issues from his accident, his condition was considered dangerous enough for them to place him in ICU, where he still was now, a couple days later, still battling the infection. The doctors could only speculate it was something he'd picked up while in the hospital for his shoulder surgery... 

"His fever is still high, and he is on many medications, but he knew who I was when I saw him," Lydia concludes. "I am sure they would let you see him if you wanted to go. I just didn't want you to come here today and waste a trip because he is not home." 


Looking up at Pete again and giving a small smile it wasn't much but it was more than what was to offer a few months ago. He was trying in his small ways and it was a start and he hoped people were noticing that at least he was trying.

   "Yeah that sounds like a good idea. We will have to get together with the girls and see when they are free."

Finishing up his conversation with Pete Trey shuts the door and walks back to his little kitchen. Sitting down at the little table her places the email down as well reading it over again. Wes was really alive? There was a strange bit of happiness inside for a man he didn't even know, but maybe it was more for his mother because he new how sad it had been for her, and that look that had been in her eye.

Pulling out his phone and dialing Cindy's number Trey waits. Getting the voice mail he figured she was more than likely busy and maybe it was better this way anyways. He could talk better to nothing than to someone and if he messed up he wouldn't feel to dumb.

   "Hey Cindy...I mean mom..."

Trey cringes a little. Great start already.

   "I saw the email about Wes. I just wanted to say I am very happy he is ok and home to you guys. Maybe you can come visit sometime. Tell Kaylee I said hi. Later."

Talking with Jason Katie felt a sharp pain in her chest around the rang of her heart. Everything still seemed so new leaving Jason, and all else that had happened. It still hurt, and made her feel a little uncomfortable even if she didn't let on to it. Someone she once new so well with or without the connection was now...almost like a stranger.

   "Yeah yeah I don't mind at all. If I am going that way anyways might we well."

Looking down at her paper work for a second not really knowing what else to say. She hated it had to be this with someone like Jason. He was so important to her at one point in time and now...it was just hard and Katie new it was her fault.

   "Hey Jason...thanks for letting me know."

Reaching across the table and taking Kip's hand in her own Karla gives him a reassured smile. The pain in his eyes was heart breaking and she wished she could make it better but this was just another one of life's growing pains. They sucked but happened all the time Karla had learned this fast.

   "We will figure something out right? It's going to work out Kip, I promise it will and I will be right there with you."


Save Postage

Watching Trey's reaction to the note, Pete wasn't sure what was going on, but he opts to just stand and wait a few minutes before taking off. Hearing about Wes, his eyebrows rise. "Wow, that's awesome." His surprise turns into annoyance, as does his expression. "And Jason didn't even tell me. I'm gonna have to slap him around a little when I get back to work." He rolls his eyes, but grins.

"Well, I won't keep you, Trey. We ought to get together sometime soon. Maybe a double date or something."

Realizing what Katie almost says, one of Jason's eyebrows arcs, but he doesn't comment. He knew all too well how hard it was to break a habit. It wasn't that long ago that it would have been a given for them to travel together if they wanted to go to Texas...or anywhere else, for that matter. 

Letting her recover and reword her sentence, Jason then shrugs at her question. To be honest, he was surprised she could take off at all with how long she'd been away from work already, but he knew that wasn't any of his business. 

"I do want to go see my mom and sister and Wes too. All depends on work though." And when Katie was going. Jason really didn't want to end up there when she was too. It would just make things more awkward than they needed to be. 

"If you head down there though, let me know. I got a couple things for Mom and Kaylee and if you're going, I might as well save postage...that is, if you don't mind." 

"It's an option," Kip admits. "But I don't really think I wanna do that. I'd be getting paid for nothing, basically, and I don't want to be hanging around and making them feel bad when they find a new bass player either." 

Kip knew good and well that Twila could take his place on the bass, but then they were still down one instrument and their sound would change. He knew they would decide to replace him when he left - it just made sense. He couldn't stick around during that process, knowing they'd feel bad about it.

"I don't want to do that to them," he concludes quietly. "They've done so much for me already. I think it would be best just to changes paths and see where a new road takes me."

His eyes meet Karla's, his gaze so full of such a deep sadness. He was letting go of something he loved dearly, but he just couldn't see what else he should do without hurting the band even more. 

Alec wrings out the mop once more and continues to clean the floor. It wasn't so long ago that he would never accepted a job like this, but it really wasn't all that bad. He didn't particularly like doing this kind of thing, but it could be worse, and at least it was putting a few dollars in his pocket. And he and Carson hadn't started any wars either, so that was another plus.

"Hey, Alec, want a coke before I clean out the machine?"

Alec glances over his shoulder to the counter. It still felt strange having Carson be civil, let alone nice. "Yeah, sure, if you don't mind me taking a break."

Carson shakes his head. "Naw. You're working fast tonight anyway. Come on." He pours himself a glass of coke too before leaning his elbows on the counter and taking a sip.

Alec joins him an sits on a bar stool before taking a swig. "Mm. Thanks."

"Mm-hmm." Carson is quiet for several moments until his eyes drift over to roam Alec's face. "How's Misty?"

"Same as she was the last time you asked me... and the time before that... and before that." Alec quirks an eyebrow at him. "Worrying doesn't fix anything, ya know."

"I know. I can't help it."

"She's fine, Carson. She and the baby are both as healthy as can be."

Carson nods slowly. "Okay." He takes another sip of pop. "What about Mac?"

Alec is rather surprised, since Carson had never asked about her before. "She's alright. I get along with her pretty well."

Carson rolls his eyes. "I never did get why she took to you like that."

Alec grins. "Me either. You talk to Justin much?"

"Yeah. He said Mac was doing a lot better and really enjoys seeing you and Misty."

"She misses you, ya know."

Carson sighs. "I never did get that either."

Alec shrugs. "Maybe that's what she and I have in common."

"What do you mean?"

"She has a very strong desire to be close to family."

Carson cocks his head. "That's... what she has in common with you?"

Alec looks down into his coke and shrugs again. He wasn't used to talking like this with his brother. "Yeah, I guess so."

Carson wonders if it's Alec's that changed, or him. Because for the first time, he sees Alec not as an enemy and not someone he simply pities... but as a brother. "Well... I'd suggest the three of us getting together but I've been pretty much banned from the family."

Alec downs another several swallows of coke before sliding off the stool. "Eh... I'm in fair standings at the moment, as long as I keep clean. Maybe I can convince them to do something... or convince Justin to convince them."

Carson grins. "Or convince Mac to convince Jason to convince Justin to convince them."

Alec blinks before returning the grin. "Right." 

I was thinking...

Hearing Pete at the door Trey squints at the clock on the stand next to him. It wasn't even close to bed time but since moving there really was not much to do and sleep was better than getting himself into trouble. He's have to start looking for a job soon even if his parents were still sending him money he wanted to try making some of his own to try and stand on his feet.

Making his way to the door hearing Pete's knock and holler again Trey opens the door squinting out at the light and Pete. He or Ariel were usually always over, but it was strange for one of them to come unannounced. An email from Jason? That was odd...was there mother ok?


Taking the email quickly from Pete Trey holds it reading the words. He couldn't help the little look of shock on his face. He'd never new Wes but his mom had talked to him about him, and new it was Kaylee's dad and he had been killed in combat. But he was alive now, Kaylee would know her dad and that alone but a small smile on Trey's lips.

Looking up at Pete Trey gives a nod to him. He was thankful for getting this and that Jason would ever think to include him into the whole circle. He had been a pretty big jerk to his brother but to be far so had Jason. Shaking his head a little Trey tucks the letter into his pocket. Even if it wasn't hand written it was from his mother, the first letter he had ever been given.

   "Let Jason know I said thanks Pete. This was from my mom telling me Wes was found alive and he is back home."

Hearing the knock on the cubical wall and than hearing Jason's voice Katie looks up quickly. He had been the last one she expected to see there. She had heard about Wes but not expected Jason to come and let her know. It surprised her but maybe...maybe there was a little hope there still to be friends.

   "Rosetta called and told me about Wes. I am so happy that he is safe and home. I was thinking maybe we could..."

Realizing what she had said Katie stops for a second looking down at the papers on her desk. Getting her head together she looks back up at Jason and gives a little smile trying to just play it cool. She didn't want to over step the bounds.

   "I was thinking of heading up there within the next week or so to visit, and welcome Wes home too. You thinking about heading up as well?"

Taking the last bite of her ice cream Karla looks across the table at Kip. She new he had been thinking about leaving the band but something about the way he said it now made her thing he really meant it. That look in his eye was so deep and full of emotion.

   "What if you didn't quit but you just took a break? Maybe try helping with set up for a little while or something and just feel things out. That way you are not quieting in case you want to come back, but till you decide you can feel like are not holding them back either."

It sounded like a good idea to Karla than Kip wouldn't have to miss out or be away from the band family. She didn't know if he would go for it though. At least it was an option so Kip didn't feel like there weren't any in this situation.

   "I mean, at least its an option to consider."



Kip's eyes remain on his pop for several more moments until he finally looks up at Karla. Sliding his hand across the table, he curls his fingers around hers. "Thanks. That means a lot to me." Things between them had remained on a fairly even keel, and Kip was glad. Though enjoying little bits of romance now and then, they were taking things slowly, and he appreciated it that she didn't mind. There were enough other things moving quickly with him right now, and Karla was one stable factor in his life. 

"This whole stupid thing was my fault," he admits quietly. "The band has a right to be disappointed in me. I just can't seem to get my act together. I'm finally working through things about how my dad's affected me, but I can't seem to hold anything else together. It's like one of those dreams where you run and run but don't ever get to your destination." 

He takes a small sip of his pop, his thumb absentmindedly caressing Karla's hand. "I'm... thinking about quitting. Last time, it was 'cause I was just too scared to try. This time, maybe it's the same thing, I don't know. But I'm holding the band back and I know it." 

Rosalyn smiles as they head back to the hotel. "A date sounds nice." In fact, it gave her heart an extra flutter. They'd spent a little time together at the ranch, but had yet to go on an official date. "If... I can get away again, maybe... tomorrow night?" 

Stopping at the hotel parking lot, she turns to face Chad. "Thank you... for just..." She shrugs. "Being you, I guess. You mean a lot to me and I just wish things were easier." 

A horn honking turns her head and she spots Clint sitting on his bike waiting. She grins a little and waves at him before looking back at Chad. "That means he doesn't want to see us kissing. I better come inside and get my helmet and we can say goodbye there." 

"...it was such a shock, but such a wonderful one. God is good. Please pass this message along to Trey as well.
Love, Mom"

Jason leans back in his chair and lets out the breath he'd been holding. Wow. Wes was alive. Alive and home. Jason was happy, and even happier for his mom and Kaylee. He wished he were there to celebrate with them. But maybe a visit in the near future would suffice.

Printing the email and the picture of Cindy and Kaylee - who appeared to be in a fit of giggles - Jason hesitates. He hadn't seen hide nor hair of Trey since he'd moved out of TJY, and hadn't thought much about him. But he guessed he couldn't blame his mom. But why Trey needed to know all this, he wasn't sure. He couldn't imagine the guy caring much. But... his mom has asked for the message to be passed along, so Jason would respect that.

Finding Pete and giving him the email since he didn't know how to get in touch with Trey himself, Jason then heads back across the main floor. He stops though, before going back down the hall. Thinking a moment, he finally aims towards Katie's cubicle instead. They hadn't been required to interact very much at work lately, which, on one hand was good, and on the other hand, it hadn't helped the awkwardness much. Jason hadn't gone out of his way much to talk to her, but he figured he should at least mention this news to her in case she didn't know. He figured Rosetta had probably been in touch with her, but if not, he'd hate for Katie not to be informed.

"Knock knock." Jason leans on the wall and looks down at her, catching her eye. And for just a split second, his breath is taken away. Clearing his throat, he moves his gaze somewhere else. "I just got an email from my mom. Did you hear about Wes?"

"Yo, Trey." Pete knocks on the apartment door and waits. He was on his lunch break and on his way to see Nikki, but wanted to make sure he didn't forget to deliver the message from Jason.

"Mail call!" he hollers more loudly. When Trey does come to the door, he grins. "Hey. This is for you." He holds up the folded email. "Jason wanted me to give it to you."


In order

Getting her ice cream Karla was happy that at least he got something to drink. It made her feel like a little less of a pig for wanting something to eat herself at the hour it was. Sitting across form Kip Karla just watches him for a long while not saying anything. She wasn't sure what to say really but felt like she should say something.

   "You know, no matter what you end up doing I'll stand behind you. I just though I would let you know that. With everything going on I didn't want you to think I'd let you face this alone."

Licking her ice cream again it was simple words but Karla new that would hold a deep meaning to Kip. They had both helped each other through so much she wasn't about to leave him to hang now. He'd become so much to her and an important part of her life.

Keeping his arm around Rosalyn Chad didn't mind how low or fast they went. It also didn't bother him that once they were on the main road some people stopped to look. Let them look, he had a pretty lady under his arm and he liked it that way.

Coming to a stop across from the pawn shop Rosalyn Chad looks across the street as his eyes follow her brother. It did seem odd that he was coming out of a pawn shop. What business did he have there? Chad wasn't sure but really it was non of his never mind anyways.

   "Maybe he had some old stuff he need to get rid of."

Giving a shrug and continuing forward with Rosalyn back to the hotel. He didn't want there time to end yet but he new she would have to go soon. He did want to tell Clint thank you as well. He thought it was really cool of him to bring Rosalyn out here with him. Maybe if her father didn't like him it made him feel good that her brother did. It was a bit of acceptance and it did make him feel good.

   "I am really glad I got to see you today. You brighten my day and it makes me feel complete, so think you. I hope I can see you again too before I go. I still need to take you out to a nice dinner. A real date is definitely in order for you."


Kid brother

Kip isn't sure what to do at this point. He wanted to stay. He wanted to go. He'd messed things up again, but how badly? He knew he should probably go out and assist Axel - not that he needed the help, but Kyle was giving him a chance to stay and make himself useful. At the same time though, Kip wasn't so sure he wanted to stick around anyway. 

Finally shrugging, he gets to his feet. "Yeah, okay. I'm not much in a mood for ice cream, but maybe it would be better if I just stayed out of everybody's way tonight and pick up the pieces tomorrow." 

It wasn't too long before he and Karla were sitting in a little ice cream shop. He'd decided to at least get something to drink, but his mood was still quite low as he studied the rising bubbles in his soda pop...

"What do you want me to do?" Kyle wraps up an extension cord while he tries to refrain from raising his voice. "It's not like I told him to get lost." 

"No, but you could have been a little nicer. He wasn't late on purpose." Twila helps Theo pack up the drums as the band prepares to leave. 

"Nicer?" Kyle straightens and throws up his hands. "Being nice hasn't taught him to take responsibility and get his butt in gear!" He sighs and runs a hand over his face, calming himself down. "I'm sorry... Kip's like a brother to me... to all of us... but we can't keep doing this." 

Erik comes to help him get all the cords together. "He's doing so much better though." 

"Dealing with his personal life, yes. And I'm glad. That's great. But this here... all this... it's our livelihood. And when he can't take the band seriously, it affects all of us."

Russ snaps shut the case on his guitar. "So what are you saying, Kyle?" 

Kyle pushes a crate across the floor to where the equipment was being piled. "I'm saying that in two weeks, I'm getting married. And a week after that, we're scheduled on our first tour. It's not big and it's only in a couple states, but this is where the real work starts. I can't slow down - this is my life now. I'm going to have a wife to support and I can't put on the brakes because one band member isn't grown up enough to get himself out of bed on time." 

Leaning on the crate, he takes a deep breath, met with only silence. Finally looking around, he finds the other band members all staring everywhere but him. "We keep each other on track," he resumes. "So if I'm wrong, someone please tell me." 

"You're not wrong." Erik shrugs lamely. "I just wish there was a way we could stay on top of things and help Kip too. But I understand. I just... I don't know what to say to him." 

"We all deserve extra chances." Theo fiddles with a drumstick. "I mean, we've all screwed up at one time or another. I know it seems like the band isn't a priority to Kip right now, but I say have a talk with him... let him know how disappointed we were tonight - though I think he figured that one out - and tell him we're giving him a chance to get his act together." 

Kyle thinks ahead to next weekend with two more concerts before their short break around his and Alice's wedding. "And if he doesn't?" 

"Then... we give him a job that doesn't require him being onstage on time." 

"You mean like helping run sound or something?" 


Kyle looks at all the others for their input receiving several reluctant nods. "Okay. I'll talk to him." His eyes shift to Erik. "Unless you want to." 

Erik shakes his head. "I want to 'cause he's been like my kid brother for years and I always end up protecting him, but... I think it should be you this time." 

Listening to Chad talk, Rosalyn tries to forget about all the bad for now. It wasn't easy, but a few times, she was able to slip into blissful forgetfulness. 

Back on one of the main streets, Rosalyn knows they better head back to the hotel soon. She didn't want to though. She'd prefer to spend the whole day with Chad. But maybe her dad really would cool down after seeing Wes. Maybe he really would rethink things and not give her such a hard time... maybe? 

"Odd." Rosalyn stops on the sidewalk and looks across the street to the pawnshop, just in time to see Clint leave and mount up on his bike. "I wonder what he was doing there..." Watching him drive the opposite way down the street though, she sighs. "I guess we better head back to the hotel. He'll probably let me stay in town as long as I want, but I don't want to keep him all day."

Ice Cream

Staying silent as everyone talked with Kip Karla wanted to say so much. She wanted to tell him to get his butt out there and play. To not get down and finish off the set with the band. She wanted to yell at Kyle for seeing irritated with Kip and she wanted to scold Erik for now giving Kip the push he always had. But she stayed silent knowing it was not her place to do any of those things and it just hurt a little more.

Once everyone was gone again Karla lets out a long sigh and sits down next to Kip again. As the music starts to play again she really didn't feel like being here anymore and she wondered if Kip maybe felt the same.

   "Hey, you want to go get ice cream or something? Not as fun listing to the music when your not up there. I'd rather be actually doing something with you."

As Rosalyn comes close to him again and burys her face into him Chad's arms automatically go around her. He loved the feeling of her being close and his arms wrapped around her. He liked knowing he could keep her safe and that she liked to be in his arms. It made him feel good, and being wanted was an even better feeling.

   "You will for sure. I'm a hard kinda guy to scare off once I have my mind set on something or someone. Though no one has caught my attachen before like you have. No Dear Rosalyn this will not be the last time."

Pulling away from Rosalyn Chad lets his hand slide down to hers again. Starting to walk again he takes her around the pond, and than they walk down a path. He kept the chatting light and told her a little bit more about herself. He didn't want the time to end, and he was having way to much fun just walking and chating. That's how it was with Rosalyn and he wouldn't change it at all, simple and fun anyways it was perfect.