
Thrown at us

As Rosalyn burying her head against his chest Chad he can't help but let his arms move around her and hold her just a little bit close. He could see how much this whole thing bothered her and it just made his heart hurt that much more. This whole thing was hard but it was not himself he was sad and upset for but for Rosalyn herself. 

   "If I thought this was to much trouble to go through, or that you weren't worth it I would have walked away by now. So don't feel bad, it is my choice to stay here so all in all I am doing it to myself...but I would like to think of it the prize at the bottom of the nasty box of cereal. It's worth taking it, to get to it."

Chad can't help the smile that spreads across his face as he pulls away from Rosalyn looking down into her eyes. Leaning down and bringing his one hand to the back of her head Chad brings his lips to hers and places a tender kiss to her lips before pulling away a little, turning his head in the other direction and than coming back for another kiss letting this one linger a little bit before pulling away again.

   "Want to take a walk before we go back and face what else is thrown at us?"

Finishing up her breakfast and taking the moment to walk her own plates into the kitchen. Here is was quiet enough to hear her phone beep. Ashlee was in the dinning area still so she new it wasn't her. She probley should check it just encase it was someone else and something was wrong. Pulling out her phone and seeing it was Eric Stacy gives a smile.

Ok, I'll be right there.

Putting her plate into the sink and than heading out of the dinning hall to Eric's bunk Stacy gives a knock on the door. Entering Stacy gives a smile seeing Eric in the bed. Coming over and sitting down on the edge she could guess Angel had told him to rest or he would be back on the horse again.

   "Hey you, hows your leg doing?"

Giving a laugh Grace stands again going over to the one bag that held the food in it. Picking it up and placing it on one of the chairs she slowly starts to open it. Stopping for a second at Jared's comment she was pleased with his answer. If his attitude stayed like that than it made her happy. 

Turning back to the bag she didn't want to bring to much attachen to it  and cause him to become embarrassed. She would just move on and keep the pleasure to herself.

   "Well I wanted something different than just subs but nothing to messy. So today I have potato salad, grilled chicken and salad. Sound good to you?"

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