
If you

   "Consequences because your dad is not willing to give me a chance when I have done nothing wrong? I don't need to say sorry well neither do you, you didn't and haven't done anything wrong."

Shifting a little and coming up behind Rosalyn Chad lays both his hands on her shoulders and looking around across the land with her. I totally got it from the first time being here why Katie had said it was so peaceful. Because I really was and everything about it seemed calm. Even in the mist of turmoil there was still a peace here.

   "I know how you feel Rosalyn, to feel wanted, loved, to feel like the most important person in the world to that one person. It's like nothing else really matters."

Coming around to the other side of Rosalyn Chad keeps his hands on her shoulder and cocks his head to look down into her eyes. He loved looking into them and getting lost. They held so many things at once that it was an adventure of emotion and he enjoyed the search. Though in his own eyes he felt a sadness. Would this be the end? He'd fight, he wouldn't let it but there was still that small fear that this happy ending out end.

   "I won't ever do anything to dishonor you, or to break that trust you have in me. Thats just not my style that I can promise you!"

Thinking for a second Angel could see the look in Eric's eye that told her if anything else he really did want to go tomorrow with Ashlee, Stacy, and Dylan. It was a look that Angel hadn't seen in Eric's eye for a very very long time. How could she say no to that look of happiness, the begging that he could sped at least one more day with the people he cared about before hitting the road.

   "If you promise me to take the rest of today easy, and tomorrow morning the same than yes. In the afternoon you can go out with them as long as you promise not to chase anyone down and just take it easy, ok?"

   "Oh goodness Jared. Next think you know your going to be coming to me for your shoulder."

Grace can't help the smile that spreads across her lips. She didn't mind teasing Jared just a little bit as long as he didn't mind her doing it. Giving a small smile to let him know she was joking Grace gives his leg a little pat.

   "Why dont we have a little picnic and than we can see how you are feeling to work on you leg. If your shoulder is hurting to bad we can skip it for today. It gives me and extra reason to come back this week. Not that I might not just come anyways."

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