
This end than...

Letting another smile shine through again Stacy couldn't be mad at Eric. She cared to much about him and he made her feel so good. Specially when he said the sweet things like he just had. Two weeks wasn't shabby even if it would feel like longer. Stacy could deal with that the best she could.

   "Something tells me its not that easy and she will notice your gone a great deal. Once you explain everything though I think she will understand too."

Stacy wasn't worried that Ashlee would not understand but only that at first she might think Eric was leaving because of them. Once everything was explain it would be ok, it was only the leading up to that, that would be hard on Ash and she new it.

   "I'm going to miss you very much too."

 Having the subject change Misty didn't mind to much. She had tried to share a little of her faith and what she though with Clay and hoped it sank in but being new to the whole thing herself. So maybe saying a little was better than saying to much.

Hearing Clay's question about what else they did around here Misty couldn't help but laugh. This was a subject she was more comfortable with. Talking about TJY till she was blue in the face was something she liked doing because she new and understood so much about it over the years of working here.

   "Well...they arn't always getting short, blown up, or hurt but there are many times they are too. On the off days though...or the less exciting days we work on research, finding cures, breaking things down so if and when the Agency ever attacks again we can be ready. At least thats what Rick and Myself do."

Standing again and moving a few things around before heading back over to her desk that wasn't to far away Misty sits down. Her feet were starting to hurt a little today from standing on them so long though she really wouldn't say anything. She liked being able to work and she didn't feel she was hurting herself only her feet a little bit.

   "Everyone else on there down time does paper work, look up old cases, and any other odds and ends. Its not all glits and glam but it keeps everyone busy and time to recover. All in all its really not a bad job and I'd rather be on this end than the other one!"

Hearing the door bell Destiny pokes her head out from the kitchen and looks down the hall. She hadn't been expecting anyone today and though some time had past there was still a little fear about someone coming for her. Seeing the shadowy figure on the other side she tried to ration with herself in her head no one would come for her now, not in the middle of the day time right?

Setting the towel down on the counter Destiny slowly makes her way down the hall and to the front door. Just standing there for a long moment with her eyes closed she takes a deep breath before letting it out and opening the door.

Seeing Chance on the other side Destiny just stands there for a moment shocked. It had been so long since she had last seem him and all she had been told was he was on a mission. She had missed him so much after there short reunight.

   "I didn't think I'd see you again for a while..."

Forgetting her fear of answering the door, or the shock when she opened it Destiny takes a step forward and throws her arms around Chance's neck. Pulling him into a big hug and just burying her face into his neck as a few tears escape her eyes.

   "I missed you so much and no one would tell me anything. At first I though maybe you just took off again but when I sat and thought about it...I new better and when I asked...no one would give me any information. Not even if you were ok or not. I couldn't help but fear the worst."

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