
Something good

   "I'd never think less of someone for trying to make a living. Even if it was flipping burgers at least they were trying to make a living for themselves and not just living off the system."

Stacy new when her and Eric had first met it had been a little rough and maybe that still played in his mind and was a fear but she wished it wouldn't. But she couldn't blame him and she was still sorry for what she had said to him. He's been the best thing ever that had happened to her and she was lucky things had worked out how they had.

   "I'm not disappointed in what your doing, only that you didn't tell me sooner. I support you though Eric, and if this is what you need to do than do it. But you better keep in contact, and not forget me."

Leaning her head into Eric's hand Stacy couldn't help but soak in his comfort he was showing her. Taking his other hand in her own Stacy just holds it. She would miss Eric when he was not there, and the nights would be long without him to walk with but it wouldn't be for long and she would be able to see him when he got. Absence made the heart grow fonder, so maybe this would help them grow even more too.

Leaning against the counter and folding her arms across her chest she gives a thoughtful nod to Clay's comment. Being new to the christian faith herself she could understand in a way where he was coming from. It was hard to wrap year head around God when some bad things where happening in life.

   "Mmmm...yeah I understand where your coming from. I guess thought with everything bad happening in my own life I kinda wondered the same thing but than some good stuff happened too like finding someone who did still care about me and all the friends and people who did care about me."

Misty thinks for a second. She wasn't very good yet with the whole god thing, and talking about it yet but she was trying at least and it felt kinda good to get to talk with someone else about it too. It was almost like figuring it out together!

  "I don't think God plans for bad things to happen to us. We all have free choose and its how we grow in life. I think he does take a bad situation though and can make something good out of it. Maybe your good is finding your way here!"


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