

Jason grins and gives Misty's hand a squeeze. "Yeah, I've kinda gotten used to it too. That just means we'll have to do suppers and evenings together anyway."

He chuckles. "Besides, I've also gotten used to food other than microwave dinners for my suppers. I'm not so sure my stomach could handle going back to that." 

Taking a sip of coffee, Clint's eyes widen as he swallows. "Wooee... that's some zippy brew there, man." He smacks his lips, still tasting before he elbows his sister. "Hey. This might actually keep me awake this morning. You should start making it like this all the time."

Rosalyn rolls her eyes. "Are you kidding me? You bounce off the walls the way it is. If you got a hold of stronger coffee every morning, Wendy would never get you settled down." 

"Eh..." Clint shrugs as he takes another cautious sip of coffee. "There are ways..." 

As Rosalyn's eyes widen, he gives her a grin and a win. "You know. Like putting me to work doing laundry and vacuuming."

"Right... uh-huh." Rosalyn shakes her head and goes back to her work, deciding it was best to let that subject drop.

Still grinning, Clint's eyes move back to Chad. "So... brave enough to stick around for a while, huh? Rosalyn must've told you Angel's pretty good with sewing people back together, just in case your head gets chopped off or something." 

"Clint!" The stove door slams shut as Rosalyn whirls around. 

He takes a step back, almost spilling his coffee while choking on a laugh. "I's just saying."

"Well don't-"

"Does your boyfriend speak for himself, or do you do all the talking?"

Rosalyn clamped her mouth shut and turned her back on her brother once more. If he wanted to give Chad a hard time, then so be it. She knew Chad could handle it. It was just annoying. Men were annoying. Period. Well... not Chad. 

Clint's mouth twitches as he looks at Chad, still wondering if he was actually going to stay here while Jim was on the warpath. 

"No. No, it's not going to end." Garret shakes his head numbly. "The insanity will go on forever, even when Medridge is gone. It's gone on too long and is too widespread now to be stopped. The Agency is too powerful." 

Sighing, he finally straightens and leans back in the bench, his hand finding Victoria's at his side where no one else would notice. "And yes, I do think we can pull off gaining the Banks baby. Carson's life is ruined and he's nowhere near Misty. She's alone and unprotected. By the time Medridge wants to move, their guards will be down again. There will be hell to pay, but there's too many of us for anybody to win." 

He shrugs. "At least he's not asking me to be involved in it. I've taken enough children. I'm not so sure I could stomach it again." A scoff surfaces. "Instead, tomorrow I get to go to France for a weekend of..." He stops, gritting his teeth. "Fundraising." He would be wined and dined, for sure at the mansion he had been to so many times. She was a young widow and quite willing to lend her resources when asked "nicely." 

Standing up, he crosses his arms and scans the garden. His stomach was in knots and his head had started to pound. "I best make my rounds now."

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