

Not hearing Jamie approach, the touch to Con's arm brings his head shooting up. Looking up at her, there was no smile this morning. No playfulness. Her question brings his gaze back down on the box he'd been working on. 

"Cleaning out my desk." He leans down to check one of the bottom drawers. "Starting tomorrow, I'll be looking for work." Finding nothing else, he finally stands up. "I need to go turn in my badge to Reese, then I'll be going home." 

Just feeling Dalton close was enough to reassure Dani that he really wasn't going to leave her. Even so, she couldn't remember a time she'd been so frightened. It was perhaps silly that she'd never thought about it before - since Dalton was an Elite agent after all. But losing him just had never... crossed her mind. Now though... now she was reminded how quickly life could change. It wasn't just him she could lose - it was anybody.

Lying quietly for a few minutes, Dani knew she couldn't stay, even though she wanted to. Dalton needed his rest and the doctors would not allow this. Rising on her elbow, she looks down at Dalton's face... his tired eyes. Placing a hand on his cheek she offers him a small smile. "I need to go. You rest. I'm not going very far." 

Slipping back off the bed, she squeezes his hand before bending down and giving his lips a light kiss. "Keep your promise," she whispers. "I'll see you in a little while."

Pulling into the auto shop parking lot, Alec slows his motorcycle to a halt before cutting the engine. Taking off his helmet, he eyes the open bay doors for several moments. All night, he'd tossed and turned, his mind wandering from Ryan, to Eli, to the choices he had in front of him. Questions drove him mad, and guilt for upsetting Ryan, as Eli had implied, was not making things any easier. Finally he had decided that there was only one way to find out where he stood. But perhaps he feared the outcome. Would he really be able to accept whatever Ryan said? He would have to. But he wasn't going to let Eli bully him into backing off - it was Ryan's call. 

Instead of going inside the front door like a customer, he wanders to the shop side, finding the bay where Ryan was working. Standing quietly for a moment, he saw several pairs of eyes on him. The guys were cautious to say the least. Unhappy to see him at the most. He couldn't blame them though. 

Coming a little closer to the car Ryan was working on, he waits until she lifts her head to give her a bit of a crooked grin. "Hi..." Tucking his hands partway in his jeans pockets, he shrugs lamely. He had no business being here to see her and he knew it. But he was. And he was going to accomplish his purpose. "Can we, um... talk?" He nods outside - out of earshot of the other guys. "For just a second? It won't take long." 

"Mm... thank you." Rosalyn does accept the photo, running her finger over the scene one more time. She already knew which frame she would put it in. It was too pretty to leave in a closed album. 

Seeing the seal, she giggles at the story and shakes her head. "Sounds like kindred spirits to me - you and him." Leaning her head into Chad's shoulder, she could feel her eyes starting to close. It wasn't that this was boring or that she didn't want to hear what Chad had to say... she was tired from the late hour and even more tired from stress. 

Opening her eyes wide, she blinks, realizing she'd just about dozed off. Trying to listen to Chad, she glances down at the next picture or two that he was explaining. But try as she might, her eyes just didn't want to cooperate. She didn't want to leave though. Not yet. She was too warm and comfortable and... 

Her head slips down a little on Chad's chest as her breathing slows, and her fingers that were intertwined with his suddenly loosen their grip.

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