

   "Conrad Gibbs that is not true and you darn well know it. This is the FIRST time you have messed up and your taking all the blame for it when you know darn well its not. So knock off the poor me crap and get your head out of your butt. If Reese had thought this was your fault than he would of let you go himself."

Letting out a huff and looking  away for a second she could feel some hot tears form in her eyes. Even if Con and herself didn't talk as much as they use to just looking over her cubicle and seeing him sitting a little ways away was enough for her. To think of him leaving...it really did hurt specialy when he didn't have too.

   "If your going to leave Con I can respect that, and I will wish you the best but don't use a reason that is not true. The Elite is not better off without you and neither am I or your friends."

Feeling Alec's hand on the side of her face once again Ryan can see something different in him. Maybe it was the light touch, or the look in his eyes that was softer than what she had seen before. Whatever it was Ryan couldn't help the chill that went down her spin. 

As Alec closes the gap and presses his lips to her Ryan was a bit shocked but couldn't help but return the kiss. It wasn't long, but it had been along enough to shoot electric through her like it had in the past. In that one moment she remembered why she had fallen in love with Alec in the first place, and still there was so much more of him to explore.

Watching Alec as he starts to walk away Ryan's eyes follow him. What was she to do now? Was it this easy really, and this hard at the same time. She new what was true, what she didn't want to be, and what Eli didn't want to be either.


Ryan takes a few steps forward before stopping and just looking at Alec for a long moment. A smile spreading across her face. Giving a little half wave she didn't know where this or anything was heading other than forward.

   "...You've changed. Keep it up, and I look forward to seeing you again soon."

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