

Having Tal turn to look at her again Ryan recoiled a little bit by the look in his eyes. She had never seen such a cold, hurt look and it ripped Ryan's heart in two all over again. It was hard to know how hurt, and anger he was with her.

   "Tal, I love YOU. I did not kiss Alec first, he was the one who kissed me. I don't want anyone but you Tal...I love, its you I love and want to be with."

Stepping a little close to Tal Ryan blocked everything else out of her mind. Placing her hand on Tal's arm and running it down to her hand Ryan takes it in her own wrapping her fingers around his. She felt so despite like she never had before. She didn't want to lose Tal and that she new for a face with every fiber of her soul.

   "Please Tal, I am begging you to believe me. My eyes are for you, and your the only man I want."

As Rosalyn comes to him and wraps her arms around his wast Chad audimaticly wraps his around her as well and leans down placing a kiss on the top of her head. Just feeling her in his arms was nice, and her warmth spread though him Chad couldn't help the tingling feeling he felt.

   "Mmmm...work is a pain but it is a must. However as long as you direct me I would be more than happy to help you out in here this morning. I'm a rather good cook when I put my mind to it."

Pulling away a little bit to look down at Rosalyn's the smile spreads across his face a little bit more. Moving one of his hand so it could slide to the back of her neck and than up to the back of her head Chad leans down giving her a few tender kiss on the lips, before placing another one that lasted longer. Just letting his feelings flow before pulling away and leaning his head against her looking her in the eyes.

   "Than maybe in the afternoon we could take a lunch to our tree, or find something else fun to do. I think I might have some button's that are falling off my shirts."

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