

Moving around the infirmary Misty was very uncomfortable in many ways today. Last night was filled with little sleep, tossing and turning. Her back was killing her today and so were her legs. Rick had said it was going to get worse before it got better. She had a bunch of work to do though that wasn't just desk work so she could at least move around.

Not even realizing anyone had stepped into the room with her Misty gives a jump and turns around quickly at Carson voice. Just looking at him her heart races but not out of love, her heart races with anger, fear, and why he would bother coming here at all thinking she would want to talk to him.

   "Yes, I am busy..."

Misty stands tall crossing her arms across her chest. She wouldn't be defeated or busted down. She was proud of herself, and standing on her own. What he wanted now, or what was so important she didn't care. 

   "But unless you here to finally sign the papers you were served, I don't want to talk to you at all so you can just turn around and leave...now!!"


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