

Taking a bit of her sub and chewing it Grace was enjoying her meal. There was just something about a picnic lunch she really enjoyed. Eating being outside, and just enjoying herself with nice company even if he was depressed.

   "I love food, I am surprised I am not fat by now.

Giving a laugh and taking a bite of her watermelon Grace looks out at the water letting the silence linger for a short time while they eat. Once finished with her food Grace slips her shoes off and stretched her legs out making sure her dress was flat and digging her toes into the sand. Giving a soft giggle she liked the way it felt.

   "This tickles, you should try it. It's warm yet cool, and the sad just...feel funny."

Shaking her head Katie gives a laugh at Hunter's text. Leave it to him to get in a painting battle, war, to make a mess. She did think it was funny though.

To: Hunter
From: Katie

If anyone asks I don't know...I'm not there -.-
though if you had a battle I wish I was there...
sounds fun.

Sending the message Katie lets out a sigh before going back to her work. Looking at the computer screen and than down at the paper she continues to input information from one place to another. It was a boring job but at least she gave Sapphire a break, and it was what she'd been original highered for so she couldn't bock. 

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Whoever though typing information form paper to computer
is crazy.

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