
I know

As Misty comes to him, Jason is quick to wrap his arms around her. Her tears made his heart hurt, but he understood. "Shhh.... it's okay..." He hugs her tight, his hands rubbing her back gently. In a way, he was almost glad she was crying. She was so good at bottling up the things she felt - swallowing the pain to move on. Though Carson should not have come in here, it was good that Misty was able to cry and let out some of what she was feeling.

"It's alright," he croons softly, kissing the top of her head. Oh, if he could just take all of her pain away.

Seeing someone out of the corner of his eye, he turns his head quickly. It was Rick with a look of question and worry on his face. Jason gives a slight shake of his head to not ask questions. He'd explain later.

Rick gestures to the bed, encouraging Jason to take her where she could sit down.

Taking the hint, Jason guides Misty over to the bed with him, prompting her to sit next to him as he kept his arm around her shoulders, still holding her close. "It's all gonna be just fine," he tries to comfort.

Having just reached his car, Carson spins around at the sound of Katie's voice. Her question creates a look of frustration on his face. "I don't know." He throws up his arms. "Right about now, getting my shotgun to blow a few brains out of people's heads sounds just about right. Either that or blowing my own out for being so stupid."

Leaning back on his car, he crosses his arms angrily. "Misty wouldn't even give me the time of day. She wouldn't even talk to me! Then Jason comes in all high and mighty - the hero in shining armor to tell me to leave my wife alone." He scoffs. "Arrogant jerk."

Even in his anger though, he was broken... defeated. And he sighs heavily, shaking his head. "I just need to find a way to tell Misty what really happened. Then things will be okay. I know if she knew the truth, she and I would be okay again. I know she'll understand why I did what I did, and that it was to save her life." His eyes are filled with desperation. "Maybe if she won't see me, I can write a letter instead. I don't want Reese to tell her - I want it to be me. It's only right. I just..." Be bites his lip as his voice becomes softer. "I miss her so much... And when I saw her today I couldn't even give her a hug." He swallows hard. "But when she finds out the truth, it'll all be okay. I know it will. I just need to figure out how to tell her."

Turning around, Carson leans his arms on the top of his car, bending his head down on them to hide his face. He was so tired. He was running on pure adrenaline with no sleep to keep him going. His mind was stuck on Misty, when he should be thinking about his next move with the Agency, now that they would surely figure out he'd told the truth.

"I have failed at every single thing in my life," he mumbles. Tears sting his eyes, so he doesn't lift his face. "All I wanted to do was protect her... that's all..."

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