

Jason stands from the booth and gives Katie a little nod. "Yeah, sure... I, um... yeah... see you back in the office."

Heading with her to the door, he pauses for just a second before holding it open for her and motioning her through first. Hurt, yes. Bitter, maybe. Mean or impolite, he would refuse to be. Following her out, he heads to his truck and waits for her to pull out of the lot before he starts his truck's engine. 

Getting back to work, he wouldn't go inside right away. Instead, he found himself sitting and thinking for several long minutes, letting his mind wander to place he hadn't in quite a while. It wasn't fun, and it didn't feel good... but maybe it was necessary. 

Eventually though he knows he has to get back to work, so he finally does go inside and to his office to work the rest of the day. 

Dylan gives Rosetta a half a smile - which, for him, was quite a display. "Thanks. That sounds really good. Especially the extra cheese part. I'll... just, um... wait in the dining room for Hunter." Slipping back out of the kitchen, he wanders to the table to sit down, not minding that he was alone for a short while. He was used to that. 

It wasn't very long before Mick returns from the barns, entering the house and kicking off his boots. "Hey Rosetta," he calls. "Do I have time for a shower? I..." His voice trails off as he realizes that his son was sitting at the table and his eyebrows rise. "Well hi, Dylan. What brings you here?" 

Dylan shrugs. "Uh... food... I guess." 

Mick smiles. "That's usually what brings me home too." Still surprised and a bit confused too, Mick sidles into the kitchen catching Rosetta's eye before thumbing out to the dining room. "What's the occasion?" he whispers. 

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