

Leaning against Hunter just a little bit but not enough to hurt his knee Katie keeps her head nuzzled into him for a long moment. It was early but if she wanted to get home and settled before Monday early was the price she would have to pay even if she wanted to stick around for longer. 

She went to the dinning hall where she'd said goodbye with her dad happy that this morning he was able to get up earlier than normal. Even if it was a little selfish she wouldn't have been able to leave without that. A few other people she'd said goodbye to as well along with her friends from Nevada last night. Now it was Hunter's turn and it was hard. Two weeks felt like years.

   "I promise not to drive like you. You're the speed demon not me."

Finally pulling away a little bit so she could look up into his eyes she study's them for a long moment. Letting the noises around them just continue and listing to the quiet song. She'd been here for a while now and she new getting back to Nevada she was going to have to get use to the noise all over again and on top of that not being able to see Hunter when she wanted as well.

   "You take care of yourself too ok? Rest, don't do to much and let that knee heal. I don't want to get any calls from you saying you have to stay and extra week ok?"

Moving a little bit to reach Hunter's lips Katie presses her against his. Just letting it linger for quite some time Katie new not many more people were are and if they were it was ok. She was going to be without Hunter for a little bit so she had to get her fill in while she could. Finally breaking away she gives a small smile taking his hand in her own and holding it for a second.

   "I guess I better get going...I'll see you again soon, ok?"

   "Eh, work will come with time. Just get the shed cleaned out, get settled and than look for work. I'm in no hurry for you to start paying me. I know in time you will."

Taking another spoon full of ice cream Misty lets out a small sigh too. She really didn't mind Alec wasn't working and was helping around the house. With how much she was working, and the baby taking most of her energy it was just nice to have someone around who was helping with the small things that just seemed to be to much. 

    "I have to admit I've liked having you around more than normal to get to the odd jobs that I guess don't get too. If it wasn't for you they would probley never get done."

Misty gives a laugh before taking another scoop of ice cream. She had to text Jason soon and let him know where she disapeared too. If he'd went looking for her and Rick delivered the message to him he might be worried. She finish a few more scoops of ice cream and than text him. 

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