

Jared lifts his head to turn and look at Grace. Her words about God shouldn't have surprised him. He knew she was a woman of faith. As was his own mother and his brother too. They always had been. 

Looking down for a moment, Jared slowly withdraws his hand from Grace's. "I tried that once... and that Heavenly Father took my earthly father away as my reward for trusting Him." His tone was quiet, but laced with bitterness. 

His eyes rise to meet hers again as they search her gaze through the rain. His tears had slowed, but his heart still hurt. Lifting his hand, he rests his palm against her cheek gently. "You've done so much more for me than He ever did." 

Realizing how close they were and how good it felt to lay his hand on her face, he swallows hard before retreating and looking away again. Wrapping his arms around himself, he shivers some more, just now sensing how cold he was from being out here so long. Part of him wanted to go back inside... and part of him didn't care. But he didn't want Grace to get sick from being out here with him either and he knew she wouldn't leave him here alone. 

"I don't think I can make it back to the porch on my own," he admits. "Would you help me?"

Jason tried to make the next day as stress-free as possible for Misty. Heading to the lake in the morning with a picnic lunch, they spent all day sitting on the beach, walking in the sand or napping on the warm grass. Jason avoided any talk of work or of Carson. He knew that everything was still heavy on Misty's mind, but he'd at least give her a break from discussing it. Thankfully when they were back home that evening, Carson didn't come again, nor did anyone call. It was quiet, and no one tried anything. Though leery, Jason had a strange feeling that they were safe. It didn't stop him from bringing Trooper over again though or from sleeping with one eye open.

Up the following morning, Jason made sure he and Misty left for work at the same time so he could follow her and keep an eye on everything. With no mishaps, work seemed just a little less stressful, even when he was called out on a case. 

"No! She doesn't want anything to do with me, alright?" Carson shoves away his plate of hardly-touched breakfast that Jaz had prepared.

Flinching, Jaz looks down at her scrambled eggs, sorry she'd asked if Misty had been receptive to his telling the truth. But since Carson had been either silent or gone the whole prior day, she'd been worried and finally had dared to ask. His quietness while sitting at the breakfast table this morning hadn't helped the tense atmosphere either. "I'm sorry. Doesn't she believe you? I mean if it would help, I'd-"

"Nothing will help." Carson stands up abruptly, grabbing his plate to take it to the counter. Even coffee wasn't settling well with him this morning.

Jaz sighs and nibbles on her toast, wishing there was something she could do. She hated being in limbo like this. Their lives were threatened and they didn't even know what their next move was. Unless Carson did and just hadn't divulged it to her yet. Didn't she have a right to know his plans though? Having things fall apart and him not say a word to her was torture. They were in this thing together, but he was shutting her out completely. She just wanted to know which angle they'd take now and whether or not she needed to make her own moves. "Are you going to open up the restaurant today?"


"But... if we stray from our normal routines then-"

"It doesn't matter, Jaz!" Carson whirls around throwing his arms in the air. "I'd be shocked if the Agency doesn't already know the jig's up! The lie is over. The game is over. Let 'em come in here and blow all our brains out! I don't care anymore!" As he raises his voice, he's hit with a splitting headache and he turns to lean on the counter. There was no way out of this. He'd done all he could. He'd tried his hardest, and they were still all in danger with no escape. He'd tossed and turned all night with endless theories, plans and dead ends. Feeling dizzy, he suddenly realizes that his pulse is racing as fast as his mind, and he felt a bead of sweat trickle down his face.

Frustrated, Jaz ceases her breakfast. "Well I care! Here we are, sitting ducks, and you didn't say one word to me yesterday. If you're gonna just tuck tail and run, then you better tell me now because if that's the case, I'm getting out before they come to kill me."

"I'm not a coward!" Carson barks. His own sharp voice makes him wince and he puts a hand to his head. "I just need time." He lowers his tone as he leans more heavily on the counter, swaying just a little. "Just time to... to figure it out."

Jaz frowns at his odd behavior and stands from her chair. "Carson, are you okay?"

"I'm... I'm fine." He waves her away while his stomach threatened to bring up what little breakfast he'd had. 

"You're as pale as-"

Jaz didn't even finish her sentence - or if she did, Carson didn't hear her. His world suddenly became dark and he feels himself falling but can't stop it. 

Watching Carson fall to the floor, Jaz is immediately kneeling at his side. "Carson... Carson, can you hear me?" No response. "Come on..." She shakes him gently before checking his pulse and finding it racing. "No, no, don't do this to me..." Trembling, she manages to stand and go for the phone...

Pacing at the infirmary counter, Rick reads over a report, mumbling to himself while working on a cup of coffee. The ringing phone interrupts him and he glances over to Misty. Seeing she was busier than he was, he sets down his folder and answers the call himself. 

"Yeah, hello... Jaz who? ...Wait, wait, slow down... Carson what?" His eyes automatically drift back to Misty then return to the counter as he listens. "Did you call 911? .... Okay, alright, just stay calm... Is he breathing? ....... okay.... no, just make sure he doesn't move... I'm on my way, okay? .... Take a deep breath... what's your address? .... Got it. Alright. I'll be right there." 

Hanging up the phone, Rick sheds his lab coat and grabs his bag, quickly taking several different bottles off the shelf, not knowing what was needed. "Emergency," he calls over his shoulder. "Infirmary's yours 'til I get back." Without giving Misty time to ask questions, he's out the door and on his way to the main floor. His eyes sweep the floor as he makes his way quickly to the exit, and there was only one person who seemed to be around. 

"Nate." He bangs on the cubicle wall. "You're with me. Come on. I'll explain on the way." 

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