
That's That

Jason sighs, pursing his lips in thought. "I don't know... I hope so. I'd rather Reese not throw Katie and me back together as a team right away. I mean, I hope she's worked some things out while she's been away, but... the way she was before she left... to be quite honest, I hope she can do her job at all." 

Leaning his head to the side, it rests against Misty's. "It hasn't been easy for me, with the whole emotional thing and there are still days that it's hard. But Katie was... I don't know... out of control. I just don't wanna get stuck working with her and have there be problems, and I know Reese won't tolerate our personal lives interfering." 

Deep down  though, there was still pain. Pain of rejection. Pain of his very closest friend - his partner in more ways than one - not even believing his words. It had been a while now... but there was still pain there. 

"As far as anything else goes, she'll just have to accept the changes. If she's mad at me for moving on, she shouldn't be since last I heard, that boyfriend of hers was still in Texas with her - talk about moving on. And if she's mad at you for dating me, then that's just stupid. So logically..." 

He rolls his eyes and straightens up, turning his face to kiss the top of Misty's head. "I guess I don't care about logic anymore. I'm happy and that's that."

"No... no.... stop..." Alec's mumblings break the quiet atmosphere of the living room. He writhes on the couch, having long since tossed off his blanket and lost his pillow.

"Stop it... leave me alone... no... no, I won't." Sweat pours down his face as he fights the invisible nightmare. He twists and turns, moaning and mumbling more incoherent words.

"I wont! No!"

Swinging a fist in the air, the movement displaces his balance and he tumbles off the couch. Landing with a thud, his head bangs into the coffee table. Crying out in pain, he curls into a ball on the floor, one arm around his leg, while his free hand holds the side of his head. Rocking slightly, he's caught somewhere between asleep and awake, but too fearful of his nightmare to open his eyes. 

Hearing a bang from inside the house, Jason tenses before looking at Misty. "What was that? Is Alec asleep?" 

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