

Even though Jeff didn't say it Kate new that he shouldn't be helping her with Hunter and she felt badly. She could try and help Hunter herself but once on the horse it would be far harder and she might do more damage to him on her own. There really was no other option at the moment and all Katie could do was hope Jeff would be ok and it would be quick so he wouldn't have to prolong helping her.

Once Hunter was on the horse Katie has to do all she can to keep from crying anymore herself. Just seeing Hunter in so much pain it sent daggers to her heart. In a way Katie wished Hunter would pass out than he wouldn't have to feel the pain of riding back to the ranch.

Mounting herself Katie moves her leg to rest it slightly against Hunter's to keep his knee from moving to much while they walked. Starting forward Katie goes at a little bit of a slower pace making sure to avoid a lot more than she had on the way up. Now it was different.

    "It's gonna be ok Hunter. Just lean into me and try to relax."

...Several hours go by and finally the ranch comes into view. Katie lets out a sigh of re leaf knowing the journey was almost over. It had been a long ride back, much longer than she ever remembered. But when one was in a hurry it always seemed to be that way.

Getting onto the ground and seeing Eric by one of the barns Katie calls to him. Her dad was exhausted already from helping her get Hunter on the horse she wasn't going to make him help get him down too. Now that they were here someone else could help.

   "Hey Eric, I need you help please."

Giving Eric a quick idea of what happened Katie asks him to help get Hunter down and take him into to see Angel where once again she tells what happened. Being asked to wait in the other room Katie lets out a small sigh but new why.

Looking to Eric Angel could already tell something was wrong with Hunter's keep even before looking under his pants.

   "It's dislocated, and there might be some cartridge damage. If you don't mind I am going to need some help. I have got to put it back into place and for that I am going to need you to hold Hunter down."

Looking to Hunter Angel shows him pity. This was not going to be fun and it was going to hurt a lot. Getting a plastic pipe from one of her draws she tells Hunter to bit down. Giving a nod to Eric she goes to the other end of Hunter's leg.


Angel doesn't even get to three as she take his leg and twists popping the knee cap into place. At least the hard part was over. It doesn't take much longer for Angel to finish cleaning up the cuts and bruises and the rest of Hunter over. It seemed the worst part had been his knee.

   "It's going to take a little bit for your knee to heal Hunter. You need to stay off of it, and ice it along with heat twice a day. Other than that, your gonna be ok. Minor concussion, some cuts, but no major damage. Your lucky you had people with you or you could have possibly died."

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