

Oh how Alec wished they were somewhere else. Somewhere to openly talk. Somewhere that time wouldn't matter so they could talk things through. But... they weren't. Clinging to the depth of Ryan's eyes was all he had. It was all he had left after his horrible mistakes. If only he could go back. If only... 

Realizing Ryan was answering her phone and leaving, all he can do is stare after her, still unable to say the things his heart wanted him to. Lowering his head, his eyes fall on the shelved merchandise. It was hard to focus though, with blurred vision. His feet longed to run after her, but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't add to his already-long list of mistakes. Drawing in a shaky breath, he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand and picks his head up, squaring his shoulders. He was here to buy something... he had to keep going.

It didn't take him but a few minutes to find exactly what he needed for Misty's sink, and finding an empty checkout line, he was soon exiting the store. Seeing Ryan's car still parked out front, he just stands for a couple moments, not knowing if he wished he hadn't seen her at all, or if their meeting could have lasted longer. 

Sighing, he starts down the sidewalk, then stops. Turning, he looks at her car again before walking up to it. Taking the receipt out of his shopping bag, he turns it over before retrieving a pen from his back pocket. After writing the short note, he sticks it under the windshield wiper to make sure it wouldn't blow away. And finally... finally, he turns to leave. He still needed to go to the grocery store for ice cream. 

Placed note-down on the windshield, the receipt held his handwriting to be seen when Ryan would enter her car. 

I've missed you too.

Being hung up on so abruptly, Eli blinks at the phone then glances across the kitchen table at Tal. Yes, he'd had the speaker phone on.... had Tal heard the same thing he had? Had Ryan just said Alec's name? 

Tal sits back a little, his hand absentmindedly rubbing Zidan's head down at his side. He locks eyes with Eli for a moment, his gaze full of concern. What had been a silly conversation of picking on Ryan had suddenly turned quite solemn. "Think she's alright?" 

"Oh yeah." Eli rolls his eyes, acting a whole lot more confident than he felt. "It was probably some employee named Alec." He knew that wasn't true though... not by the sound of Ryan's voice. "And if not, I'd be the last man on earth that would want to meet up with Ryan in a store like that. Too many weapons." 

Tal grins a little. "Yeah..." Still, he wasn't so sure. 

Staring at the phone on the table, Eli waits for it to ring again. And waits. And waits. And though it was only a few minutes, it felt like an eternity. Unable to stand it any longer, he picks it up an dials. "Yo, sister, whats the big idea leaving us hanging like that?" he teases. "Tal's driving me up a wall waiting for you to get back. Everything alright?"

Hearing her exasperated response, Eli smirks a little, throwing a look to Tal. Ryan was fine. "You may be a big girl, but I'm a bigger brother. Now hurry up... Zidan wants a doggie door."

Hunter grins and gives Katie a squeeze, not minding one bit that she liked being here with him. It made him happy that he could provide something comfortable for her. And besides that, she was awfully warm and comfortable herself. 

The evening had to move on though, and after dozing off a bit, it really was time to call it a night. It wasn't until after a short visit from Jeff, some brownies from Rosalyn and Becky and a final check from Angel that Hunter was left in the quiet bunkhouse. Only after the darkness settled in though, did the churning emotions from the day return. He'd been able to ignore parts of it up until now. But left alone with only his thoughts for company, he was forced to face reality - he had come nearer to death today than ever before. And if Katie had not acted as quickly as she had... he would  have died. Why had he been thrown? Why had a gentle river sucked him under? Why had he been caught on a sunken log? And why had that voice come to him?

No matter what he wanted to think, Hunter knew deep down exactly where that voice had come from. And had he not done as told and stopped fighting, he surely would not have been freed.

But why? Why had he experienced this? If it was indeed God who had spoken to him, what was His purpose? And why had Hunter dreamed of it up until it happened? What was the point in all of this? He didn't understand. He didn't like the way it made him feel. Vulnerable. Scared. Not in control.

Rolling onto his side, he winces and withholds crying out. Turning onto his back again, he leaves his leg propped up. Looked like he'd be sleeping on his back tonight. No matter. Staring up at the dark ceiling though, he wondered how easily sleep would actually come. His mind still reeled. His emotions still churned.

"God... why?" The silent words seemed to come all by themselves. And Hunter feared the answer.

Scrunching his eyes shut, he wills himself to make his mind blank in order to fall asleep...

...As morning dawned, Hunter awoke having slept the night through - aside from waking up a few times from the pain in his knee. But no nightmares. Despite the lack of terrible dreams though, Hunter's eyes told of something different. Something...deeper. He was no longer tormented by night terrors. But he was troubled. His spirit stirred within him, bringing to the surface doubts, questions and a most indescribable inner pain that had been buried so deeply, it was not understood even by him. But something had triggered it. Something in that river.   

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Hunter sighs. He'd managed to get up and take a very brief shower before getting some clean clothes on. His knee was killing him though, and the trek to the dining hall seemed like too much. He really wanted some coffee though. Actually, he'd like something a whole lot stronger, but coffee would have to do. If he could get up and going, that was. 

Sighing, he lies back down and picks up his phone instead, flipping it open to text. 

Morning Sunshine. 
U wouldnt bring me some
coffee would u? :)

Hearing Angelica, Reese smiles, remaining at the stove. "In the kitchen," he calls. Unable to stop stirring, lest he burn supper, his smile only widens as she comes in and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Some people might find such a small gesture boring. To him, it was a blissful reminder of what having a loving home life was really like. And he was ready to have that home life once again. 

"Hey there..." Glancing over at the dessert, he smacks his lips. "Mmm... you always know what will hit the spot. That sounds marvelous." 

Grabbing a nearby fork, he uses it to lift one of the small bites of sauce-covered steak from the pan. Blowing on it to cool it down, he offers it to Angelica. "Here... try this and tell me if you like it. And be honest." 

Letting the kiss last as long as Misty wanted, Jason just wanted to please her - and he enjoyed every moment as well. As she pulls back, his twinkling eyes meet hers and he grins. "Better tell Alec we get the couch," he teases.

Chuckling, he gives her nose a light kiss before finally straightening up, his hand running through her hair before he turns to go. "I'll see ya later." If he didn't leave now, he'd wind up sitting in here all day. 

Catching Rick's eye as he heads for the door, Jason's cheeks flush again and he scratches his head, half hiding his face.

Rick quirks an eyebrow. "So I guess checking your blood pressure should wait until tomorrow morning too then?" 

"Ah..." Jason clears his throat. "Sure. Right. Yeah, probably." Continuing his route out the door, he doesn't give time for Rick to say any more.

Staring at the closed door for a moment, Rick swallows a laugh. Wandering nonchalantly over to Misty's desk, he thumbs through some paperwork before handing it to her. Finding her eyes, he studies them for just a moment, a gentle smile on his lips. But knowing nothing needed to be said, he simply turns to go back to the counter, leaving her with a simple pat on the shoulder. It was good to see her happy, despite all the bad.

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