

Finished with her even work since she has skipped out on the morning and already having her shower done Katie wonders to the mess hall. She'd grab some dinner for herself and for Hunter before heading to his bunk. She wasn't going to let him eat alone, she would rather sit with him and enjoy his company.

Not to much later Katie was knocking on his door before entering. Two pates in hand with burgers, chips, watermelon and two glasses of lemon aid. It was a nice refreshing supper that had been cooked out on the grill making it that much better.

   "Dinner is server my dear Hunter."

Entering with a big smile on her face Katie was happy to bring dinner for him. She might have felt helpless earlier today with what happened but now sure felt kind of useful. Maybe someday she'd make a good house wife after all. She'd definitely have to work on her cooking though.

   "How ya feeling? Sore I bet huh?"

Looking around the mess happy Rosetta new she was a little early but she new Jeff was mostly early too. She'd promised to come check on him if he wasn't there for dinner and she didn't want to fall though on that. 

Leaving the mess hall and heading for Jeff's bunk Rosetta walks slowly but with a reason. She just wanted to know Jeff was alright and didn't want him to miss out on the good meal tonight. Getting to his bunk she knocks on the door. Hearing no answer she checks to see if it is unlocked or not.  Seeing it was Rosetta opens the door quietly before entering.

Seeing her brother sleeping form in the bed she is very quiet walking over to him. Laying a gentile hand on his shoulder she gives it a small shake to try and wake him.

   "Jeff, Jefffff....its supper time. You want to come and get some hamburgers?"

Hanging up the phone with Alec Misty kicks her foot out a little bit at Jason but miss him. Looking at him and cocking her head a little bit a grin forms on her lips. She had to admit being teased by Jason wasn't all that bad and it gave her a reason to form her own comebacks. 

    "Oh yeah, well at least I have a reason for getting puggy."

Misty reaches out and gives a little poke to Jason's belly. He was far for fat, or over weight, Jason never had been and never would be but she liked to poke fun and make him a little paranoid anyways. Like him teasing her it was funny and she enjoyed it. It was all out of love though and that was the important thing to remember. 

   "And if your not careful Mr I wont let you have any of the ice cream when you come over either. You'll have to sit there and watch me eat it."

Standing and walking over to Jason Misty lays a hand on her stomach. She wasn't huge yet but you could definitely see a baby bump was forming. Misty liked it she thought it was kind of cute and fit her well. 

Leaning down close to Jason Misty's eyes twinkle as she gives him a teasing yet soft kiss on the lips before retreating a little.

   "Didn't you know prego women can be moody?"

Watching as Reese spreads out some of the pictures on her desk Angelica leans in to look a little closer. Normally picture like this would turn her stomach. To think someone who had built a life, was married, and now expecting a child would be happy, not off cheating on his wife, and doing nothing to say he was sorry and wanted to come back home.

But there was something off. Looking at theses pictures were like looking as case pictures when someone was on the stand, or someone at a crime scene. There was no emotion in these pictures, not even a little spark that something was going on even if it wasn't love. 

   "The picture are very empty. There is no sly grin, no spark, no affection, subduction, nothing."

Cocking her head a little bit to look closer at the picture Reese was right there really was nothing. If it had not been for the situation it would be slightly sad to see such a empty couple. It sent a red flag up to Angelica that something just wasn't right.

   "It's just....something is off and I don't like it. It makes me feel very uneasy!"

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