
Letting Us

Standing and walking past him to the kitchen Misty lays a hand on his shoulder giving it a little squeeze. She new how hard it must be for Alec to just trust someone and let them take care of him. Being on you own for so long its kind of like a shock to your system. But she was happy he was trying to let her.

  "Alright, a small cup coming right up."

Heading into the kitchen Misty gives Jason a smile as she pass him and heads to the cubord. Pulling out three cups she also turns the tea pot on. It could be at least 10 minutes before it was ready so that was a little more time to chat with Jason.

   "Mmmm...Yeah I think he will be. He just had a bad dream, another symptom of the Agency for one reason or another."

Sitting down and letting out a small sigh Misty was happy Jason had come over tonight. Even if it wasn't the quiet late night date she was looking for him being close was still nice and she new things would be ok. Jason just had something about him that Misty was comfortable with. She never had to worry about intention or reason with him.

   "Once you get out for those who are lucky enough its hard to actually break away completely. Your past will always haunt you, faces will always invade you mind, and the deeds of the past will always be remembered. It just takes a strong person to keep going... I'm happy Alec is letting us help."

Laying on the couch with her legs bent and crossed to hold up her car magazine Ryan lowers it for a moment to look at Eli as he talks about running into Axel. Bringing her magazine up again Ryan gives a small little shrug. It was strange for him to ask about her but she new why he was and she couldn't blame her brother for wondering what might be going on.

   "Oh..Um...yeah things at work are ok. Alec came in the other day and asked if I would take a look at his bike. We he didn't ask if I would but the guys pawned it off on me"

Pausing for a moment Ryan new Eli probley wouldn't be to happy with this new bit of information. If he had any thought that Alec might be bother Ryan he would be after him in a heart beat. Ryan didn't know what she felt about the whole thing. It was hard to desypher what she was thinking for feeling. She new she liked Tal alot, and wanted to be with him but there was something about Alec, she couldn't put her finger on it but there was something.

   "So I looked over his bike and fixed it for him. I guess Axel saw I was a little upset because he wanted to know if I was ok and I told him I'd survive....and...Alec sent me flowers as a thank you and that was something I had no expected."

Ryan really hadn't mean to tell her brother all that stuff but it was just so easy. Eli was a easy person to talk to and one of Ryan's best friends. If she couldn't talk to him who could she talk too? Not to mention she never hid stuff from him even if he'd be upset.

   "So...thats probley what it was about."

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