
Ice cream

Stopping what she was doing and looking at Jeff again Rosetta gives a little shake of her head. Maybe Jeff should of picked a different way to go, or a smoother trail for there first time riding together but still blaming himself was senseless.

   "You were thinking about having a nice time, and picked a wonderful spot to do so."

Finished with one of the horses Rosetta moves to put it away before working on the the other horse. She new how Jeff was feeling and no matter what she said it wasn't going to help really. She just hopped that this wouldn't set Jeff back any either.

   "Everything worked out Jeff, and who knows maybe God had a plan in this all. Just don't let this one accident hold you bad, ok?"

Following Hunter out of Angel's office and to his bunk it was a slow move but Katie didn't mind. She was there to help and a few times when it looked like Hunter might lose his balance she was there to steady him. Crunches were next easy to walk on for that she new. He did it pretty good though and Katie hadn't known better she would of guessed he had done it before.

Finally getting to the bunk and helping Hunter inside Katie gets and extra blanket and pillow for the closet to help prop his leg up and anything else he might need. Sitting down on the edge of the bed Katie gives a smile to Hunter as he pats next to him. After this whole thing she was feeling a little drained herself. Maybe a little rest would be nice.

   "Of course I'll keep you company. I don't have much else to do at the moment."

Swinging her legs around Katie curls up next to Hunter draping her arm over his chest and comfortably laying her head on his arm. She'd stay and keep him company trying not to fall asleep herself. She wanted to make sure he was still ok. After almost losing him being a little over protective was normal.

   "I'll even bring you some dinner if you want too."

Picking up the phone Misty answers hearing Alec's voice. Giving a little smile she thinks for a moment. There were lots of things she was in the mood for but was there anythign she really needed?

   "I could go for some ice cream if its not putting you out to much. I've been craving it today. Than again I always am in the mood for ice cream."

Looking over at Jason Misty sticks out her toung before giving a small laugh. She'd been having lunch with him but it was still ok that Alec had called. She thought it was nice of him to have asked. Having Alec around really was nice and Misty enjoyed the house not being so quiet.

Sitting in her chair at her desk Angelica listens to Reese and gives a small nod. She new everything that was going on and new how this could jeprodise the Elite. There was not much they could do though other than what they have. No information had been found to accuse Carson of anything and that at the moment was the major problem.

   "Well, you can still have someone tail him. Sooner or later he has to make a slip up. How about someone follow that woman he is with now? Maybe if we can find a connection with her, we can find the one with Carson as well."

Angelica holds out a yellow folder to Reese. It had many pictures inside of Carson and the woman together out and about, or at home. There was something off about them and she had told Reese so but she wasn't sure what. This whole thing just seemed off and it bothered her to no end.

   "I guess we could just bring Carson in for friendly conversation too, but I'm not sure how friendly it would be."

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