
Familiar Car

Smiling, Reese checks his watch. "Okay, good. How about... seven...ish? That will force me to finish up here at a decent time tonight." 

Tossing Angelica a wink, he disappears again, this time for good as he does make it all the way back to his office this time. Having plans for supper really would help him get out of the office at a decent time. So many times he was here late in the evening or even into the early morning hours. Maybe part of it was simply being overloaded with work. And maybe part of it was the preference of working rather than going home to an empty house. Each day he looked forward more to going home to Angelica instead...

...The scent of cooking meat and vegetables wafted through the house, beckoning anyone's mouth to water. Reese had not gotten home as early as he wanted to, which meant Angelica would be coming any minute and he was still standing at the stove, but he was pretty sure she wouldn't mind. Dressed down in his jeans and comfy shirt, he shifts the pan over the burner, tossing the thin strips of steak and chopped veggies as they sizzled. Checking the rice, he finds it not done yet and puts the lid back on that pot to let it cook a little bit longer. The third pan held his "secret" sauce - his ultimate reason for having decided on stir fry tonight. Stirring it lightly, he tastes it and nods with satisfaction before pouring it over the meat and vegetables as they steam and hiss.

"Nine o'clock. Got it." Jason nods his agreement. Misty was so thoughtful, giving him time for both things tonight. He did appreciate it.

Finishing up his lunch, Jason didn't want to return to work, but he knew he had to. After cleaning up the corner of Misty's desk where he'd been eating, he sighs, standing and stretching. Looking down at her, he grins. "I'll see you later." 

Bending, he leans one hand on her desk, letting the other cradle the back of her head as he aims for her lips. Letting his kiss remain for a few moments, he lets it deepen as much as she wanted, not caring that Rick was still standing over at the counter. 

Ambling down the sidewalk, Alec didn't mind the long walk. He was getting used to hoofing it all over town anyway. Not that he didn't want to get his bike going again, but for now, at least this was good exercise. 

Coming to the home supply store, he's just ready to push the door open when his eyes spot a familiar red and white car parked out front. His heart leaps into his throat and he freezes in his tracks. Ryan. It had been a few days since he'd called her and left that message. He'd been feeling a little bit better since then... at least well enough that Misty hadn't yet found him a crying mess again. Now though... now all those emotions come flooding back at once. 

Swallowing hard, he hesitates, then backs up to let someone else in the store ahead of him. Part of him wanted so badly to go inside and deliberately find Ryan so he could just see her. And part of him wanted to tuck tail and run. The last time he'd seen her, she'd been trying to beat the living tar out of him - and rightly so. But the pain from that day still lingered.

Realizing that just standing outside was stupid, he finally takes a deep breath and goes inside. He might not even run into her. He'd just find what he'd come here for and what ever happened would happen. Stopping at the main aisle, he scans the signs hanging from the ceiling that ran the length of the store. He was looking for plumbing... plumbing...

Church? Now that was something Hunter wasn't expecting to hear right now. Lifting his head from Katie's shoulder, he leans it back against the wall again before taking a potato chip to chew on. Church, huh? How did Katie get from his nightmares to church? Was she trying to connect those things, or was it just a random thought? He couldn't help but wonder.

His fingers toy with hers as his mind tries to sort through what he was feeling. It wasn't easy though. "Maybe," he finally answers. It was a few days until Sunday. And he knew good and well that Angel wouldn't complain if he went - he'd figured out that much at least. He could be at death's door and no one here would begrudge him church. The question now was really if he wanted to or not, and he wasn't sure he knew that answer.

"I'll think about it." That's all he would promise. 

Working on some of his fruit, Hunter soon realizes that somehow his hunger had diminished, leaving him without the appetite to finish what was on his plate. He didn't know if it was the conversation or the pain killers, but either way, he couldn't stomach any more. 

Setting aside his plate, his head returns to the wall and he sighs, closing his eyes. His hand still rested in Katie's, and his thumb absentmindedly runs through her palm. Flashes of the day's events run through his mind and he again he felt the terror of drowning. The fear of falling down that bank. The feel of the cold water. Being caught with no escape. That haunting voice. 

A new wave of emotions hit and Hunter isn't so sure he's going to keep that tear from escaping or not. It felt rather stupid to him to be reacting like this. After all, he was fine, everyone was fine, he'd hurt his leg but that was it. 

Realizing his hand had tensed around Katie's, he quickly releases it before reaching for his lemonade to take a sip. The last few minutes had been lost to silence again. "Guess I'm still tired," he muses, trying to move on from his own thoughts, forcing a chuckle. "Stay here much longer and I might just fall asleep on you."

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