
Even when you lie

Smiling broadly, Jeff looks over at Katie and winks. "And thank you for being you." 

He knew that this trip had been particularly difficult for her, but was so glad she'd come. He didn't know if she was going to leave having accomplished what she wanted, but he could see a spark in her eye again. It might be small and maybe it was still a bit deep, but it was there, and he would pray that it would surface again so she could once again be happy and live life to the fullest. 

Making it back to the ranch, Jeff was a bit tired, but feeling well enough to take care of Hawk then join everyone for supper. Sitting with Katie and Hunter tonight was enjoyable, then when the meal was over he knew he needed to go rest for the evening or he'd be paying for it tomorrow. 

Hunter's glad to spend more time with Katie after supper, telling her about the kitten, but keeping his conversation with Mick to himself. His mind was still quite full and he was still processing a lot of things - too much to be verbalized yet. He does push most of it aside for a while though, enabling him to enjoy a card game then a short walk with Katie before calling it a night.

And as the day passes on to the next, the sunshine is born once more, giving hope that darkness cannot last forever... 

"...about once a week, Rosetta, BJ and I have a family night at home, and we'd like to invite you both over for supper tonight." Lunch had just been finished, but Mick had caught Katie and Hunter before they'd left the dining room.

Hunter's eyebrows rise slightly, a bit surprised at the invitation. Mick had just said that it was a family night. It made sense for him to ask Katie over, but him too? He glances to the side at Katie. "Well with a bum leg, it's not like I've got very many plans... I'm okay with that, if you are." 

Mick's eyes drift between the two, waiting for a solid answer so he could tell Rosetta. He'd been thinking a lot about Hunter, especially after yesterday, and he just felt that this was something he should do - invite the young man to be closer to their family. Everyone needed a family, even if they weren't connected by blood. 

Axel grins a little, knowing good and well that if any of the guys had sensed Ryan was in any kind of trouble, all of them would have pounced on Alec full force. Nobody bothered their Ryan - that's just the way it was. 

Wondering if there was any more to what Ryan was feeling, Axel remains where he is for just a few more seconds. Her next words didn't surprise him, and he did feel badly for her. He knew it had to be difficult after all she'd been through with Alec. He'd gained bits and pieces from her, Eli and Carson along the way - enough to know most of the story. 

He nods slowly, and gives her a reassuring glance. "You're welcome. If you need anything, just let me know." Concentrating on his wrench again, he turns and wanders back to his own bay to finish his job...

The next day in the shop, things were busy, but pretty normal. The air was full of friendly bantering, most of which was won by Axel's quick wit, but sometimes Leo got his own upper hand. Usually the topic revolved around who was working on what, and who was going to finish first today. Never a day went by without some kind of competition - which was most likely to be won by either Ryan or Axel, the reigning queen and king of the shop, as it were. 

The only time things seem to be interrupted is late morning when a delivery car pulls up and a man emerges with a gift in hand. Wandering to one of the open bays, he looks around, confused for a few moments before clearing his throat, trying to be heard above the rattle of an air compressor and clanging of tools. "Um... I'm looking for a...." He checks his clipboard. "Ryan McKade?" 

Realizing Ryan was the only woman in sight, he automatically approaches her, noticing her name on her shirt and sighing with relief. "Hi, I have a delivery for you." 

Handed to her was a dainty bouquet of three long-stem roses - one pink, one yellow and one red. Tied together with a red ribbon, a note was also attached, handwritten by the gift-giver.

You're beautiful, even when you lie. 

A whistle comes from Jed's direction, while Leo gives a teasing cat call. "Ooooh, flowers for Ryan," Miles teases. "Tal's getting all mushy on us." 

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