

Looking over her shoulder at Tal Ryan blushes a little bit. She was great around cars and could name all the tools she needed like the back of her hand. There wasn't a wrench or a drill she couldn't see and name. But when it came to normal house hold tools, or something you wouldn't find in a auto shop she was lost and she new it.

   "What would I do without you around to make sure I know what saw is what hummm? Save me from some never ending teasing of my brother."

The rest of the night moved on all to quickly. Zidan had his door, everyone had there pizza, cuddles were shared and than before anyone new it goodbyes were being said with promises of eventful days tomorrow being said. 

...Sitting down on the couch with a cold glass of water in hand Ryan leans her head back against the clock. She had to work the early shift tomorrow and she new bed was calling but sleep was just not what she wanted right now. 

Hearing her brother comment Ryan brings her head up and looks at Eli. All night she hadn't though about Alec, she had pushed what happened today aside. Now though as Eli brings it up Ryan remembers and everything just comes back again.

   "I did say Alec you were listing, woot."

Smirking a little Ryan new Eli wanted more than that, and maybe at this moment it wasn't time to joke. But she felt better making it a joke and not so serous when really it wasn't.

   "I said Alec because I ran into him in the hardware store..and I mean literately. Nothing bad happened, everyone is ok, I'm ok. We exchanged a few words nothing to major and than we both went or own ways."

Giving a little shrug Ryan takes another sip of her water before just looking down at the ice cubes that were floating around. Letting out a small sigh she looks up at Eli again and gives a big smile. Maybe a subject change was in order to something more cheerful.

   "So when is Scarlet due back again? I feel like its been ages since I last saw her."

Continuing to just watch Hunter Katie new there was so much more going on inside of him that what he was letting on. Some might think she was a mind reader, or her powers where back now affecting everyone but in truth Hunter's eyes betrayed him. They always did and there was so much emotion locked inside of them it was hard not to read if she looked deep enough.

   "My day is going to be pretty boring, and your thoughts are not worthless."

Scooting a little closer to Hunter Katie lays a hand on his good knee. She continued to just watch him before taking another sip of her coffee and looking out into yard and just studying a few different things. She wasn't as good with words as she Aunt was, and sometimes she still had a hard time describing what she wanted to but Katie as always there and would always help when it was needed...no matter what.

   "I'm always here when your ready to talk Hunter, and so are many other people. Just...make sure sooner or later you do talk so everything your feeling wont have to stay bottled inside."

Walking with Reese behind her into the kitchen Angelica can't help the smile, and laugh that escapes. In a way it almost felt like they were married already. She was so comfortable in this house and around Reese that it was like she'd been here for years and it make it that much more perfect.

   "But it dosn't look as good if you cute it wrong and than it runes the taste because it looks funny....duh!"

Going to the fridge and taking out the cheesecake Angelica brings it over to the counter and sets it down. Looking at Reese and taking the knife Angelica just shakes her head before slicing into the cake. Cuting two pieces she hands on to Reese and one for herself.  It looks so delicious she could hardly wait for the first bite.

   "El postre es servido. Dessert is served!"

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