
My Car

Hunter takes another slow sip of coffee before staring down into the hot liquid and watching it swirl. 

"Hmm?" He'd barely heard Katie. "Oh... yeah, everything's fine."An image from his nightmare flashes in his mind. "Guess maybe I didn't sleep so well," he admits with a shrug. "Once I get going, I'll be right as rain." 

Glancing back to his coffee, he gives a little smirk. "Although right about now, a stiff drink would be nice." So far though, he hadn't seen a drop of alcohol at the ranch, not even beer. It seemed a little strange to him that with this many people, nobody drank, but if they did, perhaps they hid it well. 

Looking to Katie again, he manages a smile before clinking his cup of coffee to hers in a toast. "Cheers." 

Jared stars up at Grace, half feeling like a burden to her, and half feeling awfully good. She really was making an effort, and he knew she was trying to make him feel better. He probably shouldn't have been grouchy in the first place so she wouldn't have needed to do this, but he might as well not buck her. It was obvious she was determined to go out for ice cream. 

"Okay," he finally relents. "But you'll have to help me pick a good flavor, 'cause I don't know what I like." 

Reaching up to take her hands, he takes a deep breath. This was gonna hurt. But he could do it with her help. Pulling himself up, he was glad that Grace knew what she was doing - she was strong, but it took know-how to be able to help someone up like this and not topple over. Partway to his feet, Jared's legs tremble with the effort. He had yet to stand up straight since therapy started, but at least this was an improvement, and at least he's close enough to the wheelchair to let himself fall back down into it instead of going the other direction. 

Giving a huff, he glances at Grace with a wry grin. "I might get the hang of this after all." He looks down at his feet and wriggles his toes in his socks. "I'm gonna need shoes if we go somewhere though and..." 

He purses his lips, giving a little cringe, not sure if he should ask or not. "Can we take my car? It needs to be driven but my mom doesn't drive and Justin won't use it even though I offered."

Justin is glad that Beth is willing to stay up, and he smiles. "Good. I'll get the ice cream and..." He points over near his television to a little shelf. "My DVDs are over there in no specific order. I like 'em all so pick whatever you want." 

Before long, they both were settled on the couch as  the movie played and enjoyed the cold treat. Food didn't make things better, but it sometimes was something that could be enjoyed despite a bad day. 

And when the bowls were empty, for the first time, Justin felt he could do what he'd wanted to for longer than he'd admit. Sliding back into the corner of the couch, he turns a little more sideways and sinks down until he's almost laying down, making room between his legs. Motioning Beth over, he offers for her to come settle in with him for the rest of the movie. He knew that she was tired and still somewhat upset from the day - hardly a time for him to make a move for anything more. He'd leave it up to her, though, whether she really wanted his chest for a pillow or not.

Standing in front of the window on the fourth floor, Garret's eyes wander the grounds. The returning black van had not escaped his sight, nor had the movement of Victoria heading inside. His relief was hidden well - she had returned once more. There was still a small ache though, in the pit of his heart. He knew what kind of mission she'd been on, and he knew that she'd been with another man in ways that were denied him. 

He knew that he and Victoria both, somehow through this nightmare, had developed a strong sense of loyalty and respect for each other - without marriage, neither would cross certain lines. But without even the hope of marriage, it had become a tiresome battle. Even so, Garret would never trade her for any other woman. If they had to spend the rest of their lives as they were now, always hiding, never married, never publicly affectionate - he'd do it.

Still... Garret knew her seductive jobs on most missions. And she knew about his own roles on most missions. Neither of them could avoid the inevitable. But they never spoke of it. Garret refused to look at Victoria any differently - the same as she never lost respect for him. It didn't take away that ache though... that pain way down deep that he was forced to keep hidden. 

"...and I will give those plans to Terrance." 

Garret's mind suddenly registers again the conversation that he'd been having with Medridge. He'd lost the train of thought, and for a split second, his adrenaline races. Thankfully, he recovered too quickly for Medridge to catch on. "That sounds like a good idea." He turns from the window and slowly walks around the other side of Medridge's desk, his hands clasped behind his back. "Might I suggest sending Jacobson on that job? It would be a good trial to see if he follows through." 

"Excellent suggestion." Medridge jots down a note on his desk and nods. "Oh and by the way, you're going out tomorrow."


"Yes. I need you to visit Sarah Regal again. She needs to be...persuaded to give up that intel we've been looking for." 

Garret bristles. Speaking of loathsome jobs. Sarah was one of his "regulars" when it came to softening up someone the Agency needed. He wasn't sure which he'd prefer - a mission like this, or a mission where he'd murder innocent victims. Both made his stomach churn in ways that it didn't used to. How had he stayed numb for so long? "Good. I'm sure I can bring back what we need."

Medridge's lips curl into a crooked grin. "Your confidence is well-founded, I'm sure." 

Half an hour later, Garret was heading down the long staircase. His combat clothing rustled as he moved, weighted by the usual gun on his thigh and other hidden weapons. Always be prepared - that was his job. 

Making his way casually across the grounds, he stopped often to take up an observant stance as he watched. When not in Medridge's office, he was on guard duty - at all times. Soon though, he has slipped past the security cameras once again to disappear into the thick brush...the wall of safety. 

As he sees Victoria on the swing, his heart gave a jolt like it always did. She was beautiful, no matter what. Coming up behind her, he leans down, draping his arms over her shoulders and burying his face along her neck. He breathed in deeply, filling his nostrils with the scent of her freshly shampooed hair. Leaning over her shoulder, he kisses her cheek softly. "I'm glad you're back," he welcomes quietly. 

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