

"Beautiful." Hunter gives the bike some gas before putting his foot back where it belonged as he shoots down the way Katie had told him. They were closer to the ranch than he'd thought. Sad that the ride was coming to and end, but good that they wouldn't have to walk. He wouldn't ever admit that the gas tank was closer to empty than he'd planned. He hadn't been paying enough attention to it, and was glad that he'd noticed it before it had actually run dry. 

Getting back to the ranch, Hunter slows the bike, downshifting before turning into the driveway. Riding slowly up to the garage, he parks and finally cuts the engine. Taking off his helmet, his hair is matted and a little sweaty as he runs his fingers through it. Looking over his shoulder at Katie, he smiles. "Thanks... I needed a good ride and... your company made it even better." 

Biting his lip, he turns back around, waiting for her to dismount before he did, so he wouldn't kick her. 

Sitting inside the dining hall near the window, Jay had been enjoying conversation with some of the family, catching up on on what had been happening here at the ranch and sharing about his own family. He was so happy that everyone had welcomed him here with open arms, just like Rosetta. His fear of rejection had been silly... and he realized that now. 

Across from Rosetta at the table, he finishes off his glass of lemonade before movement outside catches his eye and he sees Hunter and Katie returning. Watching them for a moment, he then looks back to his sister with curiosity. "So... there more between them than just friendship, or is it just my imagination?" 

Dani rolls her eyes and nods. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Hurts something awful, but I think my pride is more bruised than my toe." 

Shaking her head, she looks closer at her foot that was propped up on the coffee table. She sure had whacked it good. "I suppose some ice might be wise, but we have to get some pie first." 

Using Dalton's hand to pull herself up, she stands, cocking her foot so her toe didn't touch the floor. Starting to hobble forward, she thinks better of it, and grabs Dalton's arm. "I think you better come with me before I fall and break an ankle instead." 

Still feeling incredibly silly, a new giggle slips out and she turns to bury her face against Dalton. "You better not tell anybody about this."

Having Misty come over to his side of the table, Jason slides his glass over to make room for the phone. Leaning closer to her so he could see the small screen, he nods. "I'm not in the mood for a love story either, so that narrows it down." 

Squinting, he leans down a little more, his shoulder bumping Misty's. "Looks like the reviews of the super hero one are pretty good. Not that I go by those, but it can't be too horrible. I'm good with watching some good ol' kick butt action if you are." 

Turning his head, he hadn't realized how close they were as he looks into Misty's eyes, just inches away. He grins. "But only if we get some popcorn." He couldn't believe he was thinking of food after just having finished such a meal, but what was the fun of going to the movies without getting a snack? "By the time it starts, I'll be hungry again," he teases.

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