

Just letting Dani get comfortable Dalton didn't mind at all. She was light enough to that it didn't hurt for her to lay on him like she was and even if it did he would probley never say anything about it. He liked it to much and there was no awkward feeling attached. 

Feeling Dani's breath become a little more shallow Dalton can't help the smile that became a little bigger now on his lips. Shifting just a little bit he looks at the tv to watch the movie but soon his eyes become heavy too. 

He didn't want to go through not yet. He was to comfortable so he would rest here for a little while. He could always wake Dani in a little bit and than he could go home. Right now it was to nice just feeling her close to him. Soon his own eyes drifted shut.

Sitting at the restront Misty gives a glance around. It seemed nice here, it was clean and atmosphere seemed light and cheery. She had always hoped a nice Greek place had been put in and now it seemed like they had she was happy.

Helping Jason pick something out Misty does her best to explain what each thing is, how its cooked and a few of the spices that are on it. She wasn't an expert but she could deffinitly good by and only after a short time did they both have there orders placed.

Taking a sip of her OJ and hearing Jason's comment Misty thinks for a long moment. Alec really hadn't said anything to her about it but if she had to guess she would say the whole thing turned out alright. Maybe just maybe Alec wouldn't fear Trooper to much now.

   "I'm not to sure. He really didn't say anything to me about it. By the end of the night though it seemed he was a little more comfortable So I think thats good."

Misty new Jason had forgotten and it had been an honest mistake but maybe it was a mistake that had done some good. In the long run everything worked out, everything was ok and it still had been a great night.

Giving a little cringe and shaking her head Katie didn't want to think about Jeff getting a bath. She couldn't image how embarrassing that would be. Though she doesn't say anything she just smiles as she stands.

   "I guess we should go and save ourselves. Want us to pick you up tomorrow? I promise we will drive me car and not the bike."

Laughing Katie bends down to Jeff and gives him a kiss and a soft hug. She did hate having to say goodby to him. Over the course of her short life already she had seen the inside of a hospital to much. but that was just part of life she guessed. 

   "I love you Dad. Don't cause to much trouble for the nurses your last night."

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