
Clumsy Me

The apartment was quiet. Too quiet. Tal wanders into the living room and eases carefully down on the couch, only looking over at Eli after a moment or two. 

Eli still held the plates his sister had given him. He'd caught her glance and knew that Alec's message had hit her hard enough that she needed to leave the room - which wasn't something that happened often to a cool cat like her. And he wasn't sure which was worse - the fact that Alec called or the fact that it bothered Ryan like it had. His eyes meet Tal's and all he can do is sigh. 

Did Tal have anything to worry about? Surely not. He couldn't help that little sick feeling in the pit of his stomach though. He didn't like Alec - was scared of him. He didn't like what Alec had done to Ryan. And he didn't like seeing pain in Ryan's gaze. Why did Alec have to call her at all? Didn't he know when to leave well enough alone? Didn't he know when to stop? Was he stupid enough to think that a little display of emotion was going to gain him back his friends? It irked Tal to no end.

Making an effort to go about dinner as usual, Eli opens up the pizza and wings and throws the movie in the DVD player. He knew Ryan and he knew that she would not want to discuss what had just happened. And that was okay with him for now. He didn't want the evening to be ruined either. Seated again when Ryan returns, he grins. "See? Flock. Herd. Who cares as long as we get to eat it?"

As Ryan sits down, Tal reaches over in front of her for a slice of pizza, "accidentally" bumping her with his elbow. "Oops, sorry." Another nudge comes as he retrieves the slice. "Whoops." Knocking a napkin off the table, he bends to get it, whacking Ryan's leg on the way. "Oh, sorry again." Straightening, he gives her a speedy kiss to the cheek, while a teasing glint sparks in his eyes. "Oops. Clumsy me..." 

Alone in the living room, Alec lies curled up on Misty's couch. The tears had long since dried, leaving his eyes swollen and aching. He knew he needed to get up. Misty would be home soon. He knew she wasn't doing anything with Jason tonight because he'd heard Jason tell her yesterday that he was going out with some friends tonight and they'd done lunch instead. Any minute now, Misty would walk through that door, and if Alec didn't get up, he'd just be giving her more stress and worry. But... his body just didn't want to move. His grip on his pillow tightens. 

What had he expected after calling Ryan? What had he expected to feel? He hadn't wanted to risk talking to her directly, yet now he was left wondering if she'd even gotten the message, let alone what she thought or felt about it. Not that he thought she'd call back - he hadn't even left a phone number. It was all just... hard. And he just didn't know how to  fill the hole in his heart. No matter how busy he kept himself during the day, in the end, the hole was still there, still empty, still bleeding. 

Another cursed tear escapes. He'd thought he'd had none left. Apparently he'd been wrong.

Mick just studies Katie, not really sure about her answer. He knew she wasn't lying, but why she wouldn't explain any more, he didn't know. He hadn't yet checked the log of the security cameras to see what time she and Hunter had left, but he wasn't in the habit of doing things like that either when there was no danger. Everybody here had a right to their own privacy. Even so... something just didn't feel right this morning. 

"There's still plenty of work left to do," he assures. "You can check the board, or talk to Eric - he was up with the sun this morning and started feeding." 

It was just a few minutes later when Mick was in the barn's supply room that Sparky entered, shutting the door partway. "Hey, Mick?"

Mick looks up in question. Why did Sparky have concern in his eyes. "Yeah?" 

"I just met Hunter on the way to his bunk. Asked him if he wanted to help exercise some of the horses this afternoon."

"And...?" Why was Sparky keeping his voice low? Mick leaned in a little closer, confused. 

Sparky shrugs. "Did you find out why he and Katie were gone?"

"No. Katie wouldn't tell me. I didn't ask her outright though. She just said things were fine and I let it drop. Why?" 


Mick waits. Was anyone outside the room listening? He couldn't tell with the door half shut. "Well?" 

"I don't wanna accuse anybody of anything..." Sparky hesitates. "But if ever a man smelled like smoke and booze, it was Hunter a few minutes ago." 

Mick sighs deeply. "From what I know, he liked the bar life back in Nevada. Not sure why he'd take off now though or why Katie was gone with him." 

"I don't know either. I guess I'm not worried about Katie, but I know Hunter's seemed kinda strung out the last few days."

"Mm-hm. He hasn't been sleeping well, but that's all I know." Mick shakes his head. Had Hunter been here long enough now that he was settling in and letting his bad habits surface? "Katie's smart - if anything is wrong, she'll tell somebody. I wanna keep an eye on Hunter though. I like him a lot but I don't want any trouble either."

"Agreed." Sparky grabs a pitchfork and turns to leave, almost running into Katie as he exits the supply room. "Whoops. Sorry." He laughs and tips his hat to her. "Good morning."

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