

Jay laughs, his eyes regaining a twinkle. "Strangers you are not. Although sometimes I think I'm the one that's a stranger anymore." 

Shaking his head, he finally stands up and yawns. "Well, I think I'm gonna mosey on out to the barn and see if I can lend a hand. Otherwise I might take a nap instead and I'd probably miss out on supper if I did that." 

He picks up his cup and gives Rosetta a final smile. "I'll see ya later." 

Cold, pitch black water surrounds Hunter, the strong current dragging him down against his will. His legs kick and his arms grope forward, only to be pulled by an invisible force towards the deepening abyss. His lungs screamed for air, burning in his chest. His eyes squint into the murkiness, to be met only with darkness. A new rush of water surges upon him, pinning him to the river bottom. But as he screams, water surges to fill his lungs.

Waking with a jolt, Hunter lies still but his eyes bounce around his surroundings, trying to figure out where he was. His heart was beating rapidly, but that was the only sign of his short nightmare. Blinking away the fog, he realizes he's still sitting under the pasture tree... with Katie. Glancing down, he sees her peaceful form and is glad that he hadn't woken her too. What a strange dream. He was glad it was over, and didn't even want to try to dissect it. 

Not having planned on falling asleep, his muscles feel a bit sore, but he doesn't move, not wanting to wake Katie yet. He didn't know how long they'd been there, but the sun was lower in the sky, proving it had been a little while. Katie must have really been tuckered out to fall asleep here with him too. In a way, it proved she trusted him, and he was... glad. She was going through such a rough time right now, he just wanted to help, and if providing her a safe shelter for just a little while, he was glad to do it. 

Resting his head back against the tree again, he sighs deeply. His hand around Katie rubs her shoulder just gently enough that if she was on her way to waking up, she would, but if she was still sound asleep, he wouldn't bother her. 

Grinning back at Misty after returning her kiss, Jason's hand squeezes hers. "Stealing is more exciting than asking," he whispers. 

Going back for another kiss, he lets it linger, deepening it with each moment until his free hand was resting on her cheek. He could hear the music swell in the movie, knowing that something important was happening, but he ignores it, just falling into Misty's sweet kiss once more. Bliss could be taken away at any moment, and this was one time he was not going to stand idly by... he was going to take advantage of this chance... this chance to be close to someone... whether it lasted one second, one day, or one lifetime.

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