

Starting to walk again Stacy felt really good. It was nice knowing Eric and herself where going to be able to start something and not having to worry about going to fast. They both needed time, trust to grown and for even deeper relationship. It really was an exciting thought and for once outside of her daughter Stacy was looking forward to the future.

   "I like daisys, but truth be told I kind of like plants more. They last longer so I can look at them and remember who gave them to me more than a week at a time."

Continuing to walk and leaning into Eric just a little bit Stacy couldn't remove the smile form her lips. She just felt so happy, like the missing puzzle peace had finally be found. It was a new journey, and she was read to walk it no matter where it took her.

   "So, what are some things you like?"

Dalton gives a laugh as he sits back in his chair and takes a bit of his own jerky. This day had started out as a not so good day, but now it was starting to turn around. There was always a good side to everything it was just finding it that mattered and today he had.

   "Ok, I will definitely watch how much of it you eat. If you barf on me, I will more than likely lose it myself and I am a pretty sure Ty does NOT what to clean that mess up."

Giving a laugh and turning his chair back to his computer Dalton looks over what he was working on for a moment. He new he'd have to get back to work soon and get this done for Reese but he was just so happy about Scott being back work seemed like something far from his mind.

   "Sooo...while you were gone I worked on some code, and new security features for our files and what not. I haven't had anyone test them out yet because I don't know anyone good enough to really give them a run for them money. You want to fire up your old computer there and give them a shot?"

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