
Unpleasant topics

Looking down into Stacy's eyes, Eric smiles a little then shakes his head. "I don't know why you're thanking me," he muses quietly. "All I did was come along for the ride. I'm the one that should be thanking you for..." He thinks for a moment then shrugs. "I guess giving me some new hope." 

Falling silent, his gaze meets hers and he bites his lip. "Mind if I tag along on your rounds?" 

Dylan flops down on his bed before changing his clothes, and stares up a the dark ceiling. It was strange... for having such a good time tonight, he figured he'd feel better than this. Why did he feel so empty? So lonely? It didn't seem right. He'd enjoyed his time with Ashlee and Stacy and even Eric. So what was his problem?

Rolling over onto his side, Dylan curls around his pillow. He missed family. He missed fun. He missed friends. He missed innocence - of which he could never gain back...

Justin could tell Beth was a bit nervous, but he was proud of her for coming in spite of it. Motioning to another room, he nods. "We've got Sunday school in here... come on and I'll introduce you to a few people and we'll find somewhere to sit..." 

Most people seemed warm and friendly, and the few people that Justin introduced Beth to welcomed her with smiles. Justin made sure Beth could stick as closely as she wanted, but didn't crowd her. After Sunday school there was a short break before the main service, and Justin found a spot off to the side to sit. Afterward though, there wasn't a whole lot of time to talk since they drove separately back to his place, and it wasn't until after they'd changed clothes and were in the kitchen making sandwiches that Justin found a good opportunity to talk. 

Putting on another slice of ham onto the sandwich he was working on at the kitchen counter, he gives Beth a sidelong glance. "So I hope you had a good time at church." 

Recalling the incident of Ryan going to Alec's, Eli's stomach churns and he looks away for a moment. There was more than one reason it bothered him, and he didn't want to talk about it. He was glad when Scarlet moved on, and nodded, also hoping that Tal's recovery would be quick. Tal hadn't complained once since being in the hospital, and he was more than determined to get out of there and get on with his life. He never talked about Alec either, and Eli had often wondered if there was fear there, but he'd kept that thought to himself. 

Looking up as Scarlet nears, he returns her kiss then grins. "You? What about me? I'm the poor boyfriend that gets left behind all the time." 

Reaching out, he pulls her down to sit sideways in front of him on his bike, his arms around her waist. "You owe me more than one measly little kiss ya know - for leaving me alone days on end..." He grins slyly and gives her another kiss just a bit longer this time. "Mm... nope, that won't do either..." Another kiss follows but he still shakes his head. "Nah, it just isn't enough. You're gonna have to come over tonight for a movie so we can ignore it while we occupy the couch. Unless you wanted to go to your place, in which case I wouldn't have to kick out my sister..." A teasing glint sparkles in his eyes. 

Jason leans back in the booth at Tou Han's, and closes his eyes with a sigh. "I begged Reese to let me back to work, and now all I want is a vacation. Go figure." 

Opening his eyes again, he straightens and gives Katie a wry grin. Today almost felt normal... kind of. At least they were eating lunch together. Nowadays that was saying something. 

"We haven't had any of the same cases lately," he comments. "What's the boss got you working on now?" It was easier to talk about work so they didn't touch on any unpleasant topics... like Sandy... or Hunter. 

"Trey!" Kaylee giggles and bounces in her highchair as she sees Trey come into Mom and Pop's. "Hi!" Throwing her arms in the air, she almost knocks over her cup of juice, which Cindy manages to catch before it falls. 

Cindy rolls her eyes but smiles anyway, waving at Trey. She'd gotten there early, and had chosen a booth off to the side that would be fairly quiet... that is, aside from Kaylee, who was apparently high on energy today.

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