
Other End

As Eric slips he arm around her again Stacy leans into it slightly. For so long she had been on her own, no comfort, no encouragement, so strong arms to make her safe. She'd learned to deal with it, to build a wall to take care of herself and now...now so quickly Eric had been able to push that all away and she could feel herself melt into him. To accept the comfort, to soak it up like a dried out sponge.

There was just something about Eric that Stacy couldn't deny, it was just him and who he was. There was a fear there of the unknown but some how deep down there was a comfort. Something told her it would be ok and no Eric wouldn't hurt her. It was just a matter of time to let that sink in so she could truly believe that giving herself to him would be ok.

Watching the kids for a moment Stacy smiles. This moment made everything feel complete...it was like a family. God sure did know what he was doing when he brought Stacy and Ashlee here. Ashlee had found a father figure, she'd made a friend...and even there presence here had helped some people. It was perfect and it made Stacy happy.

Ashlee study's Dylan's face for a moment as he talked. It often held no expression but his eyes betrayed him. In one single look there was so much emotion, there was a twinkle, there was a hint of humor. It turn if made Ashlee smile even more. It was so nice to see Dylan at least start to open up.

   "Well...Its strange in a way thinking of my mom with someone. It's only been me and her for a long time But on the other hand I really like Eric. He's nice, and he's funny and he sure can make my mom smile. Thats something I haven't seen in a long time."

Looking at the next hole while Dylan did Ashlee tried to run through her mind how she would putt. How would everything work if she hit the ball one way, or if she hit it another. Where would it land would the water take it away. She tried to do what Dylan said and just vision all the movement. Finally She continues the conversation.

   "So I guess all in all I don't mind at all. I like Eric, we get along, my mom is happy and thats all that really matters. I never new my father, he never cared enough to stick around or even try to know me. So really all in all there is nothing for me to miss, or feel bad about. It will take some getting use to not just being me and mom...but its not like they are going to get married tomorrow. So I have time!"

Pulling into the church parking lot Beth glances around for a moment before flipping down her visor and pushing some lose hair behind her ear moving her head back into place a little more. This would be one of her first times back to church in a while and though she new that looks didn't matter when worshiping God she still wanted to look presentable.

Finally satisfied Beth flips the visor up again and open the car door stepping out. Brushing off her lite blue sheer blouse that had a white tank top underneath it, and straightening her black slacks she shuts the car door and takes in a deep breath. She could do this, church was good, it was something she needed again and Justin would be there. She would be fine.

...Stepping inside the building and looking around quickly. Spotting Justin a smile spreads across her face as she walks over to him giving a small wave. She was happy to be here with him today. It was nice he didn't mind and she felt...good about it. To her church was important but she never got the courage to start going again.

   "Good Morning Justin! How are you today?"

Looking back up at Clint Wendy's eyes twinkled with joy, hope, love, and life. It always amazed her how God could turn something around and make good out of it. She was happy he did too. Clint and her might have started off there family wrong but good came out of it and there son was everything she could ask for. Now to be expecting another child Wendy was over joyed to be able to start this path once again with Clint.

   "I love you too. Thank you, for sticking it out through everything."

   "So, hows your buddy doing? Does he get to come home soon?"

Scarlet leans against her bike and takes a swig of water as she looks out across the park. This was her weekend home finally and the first time she had seen Eli in days. It seemed with the warm weather there were more and more jobs opening up. But they had set this night aside to go for a bike ride and there was no way she was passing it up.

   "You and Ryan holding up ok with the whole thing? I can only imagine how this must be for her. I really feel bad for even one involved even Alec. There is no way I would want to be on the other end of a McKade's fist."

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