

"Oh yes, don't you worry. Your help is indeed needed." Medridge nods. "I may send you to Harkins on an intel mission." 

An intel mission. That's what Medridge called it when he sent his agent in to extract information the easy way. Or to put it bluntly, seduce the target to make their tongues loose. If he wanted the target tortured, it would be a pressure mission. But apparently Medridge wanted Harkins to talk without having his throat slit. 

"In the meantime though..." Medridge continues to pace. "The estate is on lockdown. No one in or out until I am sure there is no leak, or we have found the traitor." 

Reaching to his desk, he picks up a filing folder and hands it to Victoria. "This is the file on Harkins. He is a wealthy businessman from the United States who now lives in Switzerland. With the connections he has in the State with politics and financial institutions... he could prove to be of value to us. Study his file. You may or may not need it." 

...A week later, the lockdown at the estate was over. Not because they had found anyone though - at least not that anyone would say. There were quiet suspicions that Medridge had found the leak, but for some reason nothing yet had been said. As far as Harkins went, Medridge had scheduled Victoria's "intel mission," sending her to Harkins' place in Switzerland for a 2-day visit, hoping to gain as much information as possible about his contacts, and, to find out if Harkins had known the assailant at the party...

Garret leans on the railing of the balcony and looks out over the estate. He was feeling better every day and had finally been allowed to get up and dressed and take a walk. A couple more days and he'd be back to work. For now though, the room's balcony was as far as he'd wandered. He had been ill-informed about the party's incident and was itching to talk to Medridge himself about the whole thing. All he knew now was that Victoria was scheduled to leave on some kind of short mission in a few days, and he was feeling left behind. 

Justin laughs again and nods. "Okay. Lunch sounds good." Getting up, he helps Beth retrieve the little cooler and drinks, and finds a spot under a nearby tree for some shade. It isn't long before he's leaned back against the tree and chewing his sandwich thoughtfully. 

Looking to the side at Beth, he gives just a little sigh. He really did feel like an idiot. First for waiting so long, then for things he wanted to say not coming out right. He knew now his feelings were true though. He had just been too scared to admit it. And now... would she choose Zach? He would still be her friend no matter what but... it would hurt, and the only one to blame would be himself.

Shifting his eyes back to the pond he watches the dogs try to catch a frog. "Kinda hot today but not too bad," he muses. "Thanks for coming along."

Hunter pulls into the Elite parking lot, taking note that Katie's car was here. He should have called but... maybe he just wanted to see if she'd hang out if he showed up. She had to have a lunch break sometime today, right? And it was close to noon.

This morning had been a rough one, mentally. Hunter had seen Kyle from a distance at the grocery store and it hadn't done much good for his emotions. Not that he cared... but... he did... maybe. Regardless, he had no idea why he had then thought about having lunch with Katie. Or maybe he did. Maybe he knew what a good distraction she was from his problems. Or sounding board. Or both. Maybe.

Killing the engine, he parks his bike and removes his helmet. It was a bit strange being here - where he'd been arrested and held. Yet his overconfidence convinced him that he was just fine walking in here.

Entering the building was too easy, and he knew there most be cameras or something to keep an eye on who was coming and going. Going down a level and getting to the main floor, his eyes scan the cubicles. Come to think of it, he wasn't sure where Katie was supposed to be.

Wandering forward, he nods to a few people who look at him, as if he belonged there.

Jason comes out from the hallway, eyes down on some paperwork that he needed to take to Katie. Another day had passed without much spoken between them, and he knew he needed to make things right, even if he used paperwork as an excuse to go to her cubicle. Not paying enough attention, he just about runs into somebody, but is able to stop short. "Whoa. Sorry."

"No problem." Hunter shakes his head. "I wasn't paying much attention myself."

Jason cocks his head, wondering who this guy was. "Can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah, maybe. I'm looking for Katie."

"Katie?" Jason's eyes narrow slightly. "And you are...?"

"Hunter Maxwell." He grins. "You guys have a file on me, I'm sure."

Jason blinks. This was Hunter? This was the Hunter that Kyle had told him about before? And now Katie's newest friend? Interesting. Jason keeps ill feelings in check and offers his hand. "I'm Jason."

Hunter's eyebrows rise. Of all people for him to run into. This was rather interesting. He accepts the handshake though. "Katie's famous boyfriend."


"Well, to her." Hunter grins.

"Mm." Jason didn't know if that was a compliment or not. "Come on. I'll take you to her desk." Leading the way, he heads to Katie's cubicle, knocking on the wall. "Hey. This paperwork's for you and... you've got a visitor."

Hunter smiles and leans on the wall. "Looks like my lack of calling first may have bit me in the butt. I was gonna see if you wanted to do lunch but..." He eyes Jason then Katie again. "I don't want to intrude." Or get his brains beat out for asking Katie to lunch with her boyfriend standing two feet away.

Jason swallows hard. He and Katie had no plans. As as matter of fact, they'd had no plans since their argument two days ago. His eyes wander toher , wondering what she would say. He recalled his conversation with Con yesterday. "Actually... Katie and I are going out to lunch." Though he spoke to Hunter, his eyes move to Katie. "That is, if she's going to say yes to me."

Hunter quirks an eyebrow and straightens, unsure about the strange tension he felt. He really did need to work on his timing.

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