

Listing to Jason Misty nods a little letting him know she was listing. Searching his face she could see the emotions in his eyes and how very hurt he was. If that was Misty sitting there and Carson never gave her a chance to explain well...she would probley feel the same way. Hurt, confused, angry.

Hearing Jason talk about how maybe there love wasn't really sent a sharp pain to Misty's heart. Reaching out and laying her hand on Jason's she trys her best to smile and giving him a little reassurance.

   "I think we both know Katie and Your love was real. Its hard to make something like that up. On top of that, if she didn't love you I don't think she would of gotten so upset about seeing Sandy kiss you."

Letting out a small sigh Misty searches Jason's face. She always been close with him even if they didn't talk a lot. There was a silent connection there and it always had been. They'd just learned to keep that turned off because they both had other people they loved and cared about. So for Katie...maybe it was the opposite there connection had been turned on for so long when turned off...it just...failed.

   "I'm not saying what she did was right, because she did go about it the wrong way and should have let you at least explain. But it sounds to me like Katie is pretty messed up emotionally. Never doubt your love Jason, or what you guys had together. Hold on to those good times, but move forward. You can't keep life on hold, you can't live in the past...and you can't let it make you bitter."

Dropping her hand from Jason's arm Misty sits back in her chair for a second just continuing to look at Jason. She couldn't help but let her heart go out to him. She felt so bad, life had been so rough and to now have it crumble again it just made her sad.

Looking up at Hunter Katie does her best to give him a smile. He'd think she wouldn't? He was one of her close friends so of course she would. Thinking about leaving everything behind though...it was a tough thought. She'd be back through right? She had her life here, her job, her roommates. She'd be back for sure.

   "Of course I would stay in contact with you Hunter. You have become one of my closes friends. You don't even have to worry about me not keeping in contact with you."

Standing Katie reaches out and pulls Hunter into a hug. Just in the last two days he'd help her so much. Kept her from do anything stupid while drunk, and now he was being encouraging that maybe she did need to get away. Just those two things meant a lot to Katie.

   "I guess I better get going. Thanks Hunter for everything. When I know what I am doing, I'll let you know too..ok?"

Once Eric was gone Stacy turns her attachen to her daughter and gives her a look. Not an unset or annoyed look but more of a..what are you doing look.

   "Your a peanut gallery if I ever saw one you know that?"

Ashlee looks down at her plate and than up again with a sheepish look on her face and a smile across her lips. She couldn't help it really. It was nice seeing her mom like someone and someone as nice as Eric.

   "And your point is?"

Stacy shakes her head and throws her unused napkin across the table. A twinkle was in her eyes and a smile still spread across her lips. No matter what she could never be upset about this with her daughter. Seeing she seemed accepting made her feel good.

   "So your ok with maybe the though of Eric and myself getting closer?

Ashlee smiles and gives a nod. She really was ok with it. She liked Eric and there was just something about him that the thought of having him as a dad was nice. He sure seemed like a fatherly type and that made Ashlee happy.

   "Yes, I am."

   "Ok, good...just in case and all."

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