
Ask for more

   "Alright, thanks. I am gonna run out to my car quick and grab the extra set of cloths I have in there."

Standing Katie wobbles a little. She wasn't drunk still but she felt a little woozy and shaky. She could only guess that was the doing of the alcohol too. Steadying herself she looks back to Hunter with a sorry sort of grin on her face.

   "Ok, maybe not run but you know what I meant."

Going outside to her car Katie squints in the sunlight. She felt crappier than she ever had before. IF this was what happened after people got drunk why did they like doing it so much? It sucked and wasn't her idea of fun.

Heading back inside and going to the bathroom Katie takes a quick shower. Once she was done she did feel a little better. At least the lingering smell of booze wasn't on her still. That was enough to have made her sick just smelling it.

Leaving the bathroom and heading into the kitchen the coffee smelled good seeing the toast too she gives a little smile. She really wasn't hungry but maybe putting a little something in her stomach would help calm it. And that Hunter put that into consideration made her smile a little more. 

   "Thanks Hunter...for everything. I might not remember everything from last night but I remember enough. Thanks for honoring your word about being a gentile too. That really means a lot and I appreciate it."

Sitting down and taking a sip of the hot liquid it felt good going down. Though it caused her stomach to churn it still felt good so she took another sip before a nibble of her toast.

Continuing to push Jared down the hall Grace was happy he'd said yes to her. He'd never know it but getting out would also help with his recovery and it would help him from falling deeper into depression. That was something she wanted to avoid at all costs.

   "No not always, but it was to nice to sit at home and it was to nice to sit in a room so I just though you might enjoy getting out as much as I did. Consider yourself lucky."

Grace smiles and nod to one of the nurses who opened the door for her leading to the back gardens. Pushing Jared down the walk way Grace aims for a stone bench that was surrounded by flowers. Parking him close by she sits down on the warm stone.

   "Now this is much better dont you think? How are you today anything? I think I forgot to ask."

 Looking up quickly again at Eric and her mom Ashlee continues to just looks back and forth between them her eyes slightly wide. She couldn't tell him what she was thinking...no way. Her mom would kill her too. 


Looking back down again Ashlee had to think of something quick before he asked anymore questions and she had to answer them. Just picking something random off the top of her head she new Eric would know there was something more going on in her head but maybe he wouldn't ask.

   "Boy...dinner sure does smell good huh?"

Looking over at Dylan Faith smiles and shakes her head. She was happy Dylan liked the idea of a little cookout. It would be nice to have family there and to get to know them all a little better. Faith wanted to be closer to Sparkys family even if she new it was hard. But she new that going into the whole thing and all the mattered was that Sparky cared for her.

   "He definitely does not. That's why I let Tyler do the grilling. I tired once and well....the dog wouldn't even eat it."

Giving a smile and taking a sip of her iced tea Faith looks to Sparky her eyes twinkling. She enjoyed life here so much, and she enjoyed even more being married to him. Life was quiet for them and while at one point she had wanted kids, now she was happy just the two of them and her plans for life had changed. Now they got each other, and had the chance to watch all the little ones at the ranch grow. She could never ask for anything more.


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