

Hunter glances at Katie again, a wry grin curling the corner of his mouth. "Hmm... maybe. Wasn't so bad 'til I let my mind wander places I didn't want to go."

Flopping onto his back, he puts his hands behind his head and stares up at the stars. "Life used to be a whole lot less complicated. Then one day you come to a fork in the road and go right instead of left. And from then on out, nothing is ever the same and you can't go back no matter how hard you try."

It wasn't often he talked about these things with anyone. It wasn't often he thought about it at all. But ever since that night seeing Kyle, it had become impossible to ward off thoughts of the past.

Quiet for a few minutes, Hunter suddenly turns over to prop himself up on his elbow, facing Katie. "So girls with boyfriends don't usually go off with another guy late at night for a stroll on the beach." He searches her with curiosity. He'd gotten the idea from the other night at dinner that things between her and Jason weren't all that great, but he still didn't have his head wrapped around that whole thing. And...it changed the subject from talk of himself.

"You and Jason on the outs?"

Seeing Stacy enter the room, Eric stands up from the table. Her attractiveness tonight did not escape his eyes, though he keeps that thought to himself. She did look very nice... beautiful, in fact. But there was no proper way to even try saying that. He picks up his hat and fiddles with the brim. "Well there's plenty of places to choose from. Once we get to town, I can point a few things out and you gals can decide where to go."

Dylan does his best to relax... it isn't easy though. He did feel pretty out of place. He was friends with Ashlee... he was okay with Eric... he was... so-so with Stacy... and that was it. But seeing Ashlee's smile, he's reminded of why he'd said yes.

Eric goes to the door and holds it open for the others while putting on his hat. "Alrighty... all aboard that's goin' aboard."

It doesn't take long to pile in the car and be on their way. Dylan sits in back with Ashlee, remaining quiet for the most part, but trying to engage in conversation when included. He really was trying. He was just... outside the loop. Or so it felt. But he was doing his best. Eric sat in the front with Stacy, feeling... much more relaxed than he'd anticipated. It was easy to talk with her, and laughing with her and Ashlee made the atmosphere light. He was glad he'd been invited. It made him feel special to be included in celebrating Ashlee's birthday, and it was something that he quietly cherished in his heart.

"Okay... so... what's the birthday girl hungry for?" He turns around to look back at Ashlee, grinning. They'd be to town in just a few minutes. "We've got... steak... seafood... hamburgers... Chinese... Mexican... fast food..."

Seeing Grace, Jared perks up a little and shuts off the television. He grins and shakes his head. "I think you do mean torture." 

Looking at the equipment and the wires, for the first time, he's a little nervous. It did nothing to his determination though. He nods at everything she says, ready for anything. "Okay. If I scream like a girl, you'll know it hurt." A new grin surfaces. "But if I do, you can't tell anybody because then they'd think I was a wuss." 

Pulling himself up a little more wasn't easy, but his shoulders were so sore from lying in this position for too long. Oh to get up and walk. 

"I'm ready when you are, Miss PT." He quirks an eyebrow. "Oh and by the way, you gave me permission to flirt, but I never asked if you've got a husband or boyfriend. I wouldn't want to get out of here just to have some guy put me right back in again for hitting on his girl." 

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