
Words Spoken for the First Time

Saturday... Jason's eyes widen. "Oh crap. I forgot all about meeting Wyatt and Aerith. Shoot." 

He thinks for a moment then shakes his head. "No... no, don't change things with them." He purses his lips in thought. "I'll call Sandy and tell her I can't be there." He tries to shrug it off. Was that... disappointment he felt? Was that what that little twinge was? He wishes it were stronger so he'd know. He had to assume that's what it was though. It was better than feeling nothing, even if it didn't feel good. 

"So... tomorrow you wanna come to the park too then right?" 

Tal isn't surprised that Ryan and Eli had been with him so much and had taken care of things at his apartment. But it was still humbling, in a way, to know that he had people like them in his life who were willing to help like that. He was so appreciative, and the first thing that comes to mind is how on earth he'd ever be able to pay them back. But he knew saying that would probably bring a whack to the arm and he hurt enough already the way it was. 

"If I could get up," he muses hoarsely, "I'd give you a hug and kiss.... Thanks for doing all that." He pauses to swallow and tries to shift a little, but it seemed no matter how he moved, it hurt something or other. "You're the best." 

Still holding her hand, he tugs her a little closer, glad he had at least one working arm. He had something to say, and he wanted to make sure he said it before they went any further. 

"Nobody's asked... but... but I know you and Eli know." He struggles to get the words out, slurring slightly as his jaw resists the movement. "...about Alec... I mean.  It... It wasn't him but... somebody he... he sent." 

His grip on Ryan's hand tightens. He didn't want to upset her, and he himself didn't want to think about it, but he was going to finish, whether she liked it or not. "But I want you to know... that... that no matter what..." He coughs and winces, knowing he needed to stop for a while, but refusing. "...I'm not... not gonna give up. I...I love you, Ryan McKade... And nobody's gonna scare me away from you."

Ariel nibbles at the cheese around the pizza crust, rarely eating the crust but liking the crispy cheese that had bubbled over. Listening to Trey, she tries not to laugh. She wasn't amused by his situation or what he was going through, but she didn't think he'd said so much to her since she'd known him, let alone at one setting. It was interesting to know that his mother had come to see him, and even bring her little girl. Ariel immediately imagines a pretty gutsy woman. And apparently... it had had an affect on Trey. He seemed to be thinking about more things now - more people - not just himself. Was this a one-time emotional switch or was he slowly changing? Ariel wondered. 

His question brings out a light chuckle. "Of course it's confusing. I can understand." After taking a sip of her coke, she reaches for another slice of pizza. It was no wonder her brother had a routine of coming here - it really was the best pizza in town. At least in her opinion. 

"So... why do you have to decide now?" She chews thoughtfully while looking back at Trey. "I mean, lets say you stay for six months then choose to go home? Or four months? Or ten? Nothing is forever anyway. If you really want to stick around and get to know your family, it might be permanent but it might not, and you always have an option to go back to Mexico whenever you want."

Ariel shrugs. She didn't know if it would make as much sense to him as it did her or not. "Sounds like the Elite is being very generous. If you can't make up your mind, take them up on their offer, and six weeks down the road if you figure you really do want to go back to Mexico then you're out nothing. Or if you decide to stay then you're already on your way to getting yourself established." She grins. "Really, you're in a perfect spot. It's a win-win situation for you. And... if you opt to go back to Mexico now, who says you can't come visit? You still win."

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