
Silent Invitation

Hunter gives a frustrated sigh at Katie's response, but doesn't argue. He didn't understand all of this, but as long as he wasn't in any more trouble than what he'd caused last night, he'd just let it go. This woman obviously had a chip on her shoulder and was determined to be less than friendly.

He takes another bite of sandwich. Although, she had brought him something to eat.

Katie's comment about Kyle sends Hunter's gaze shooting back up again. Locking eyes with her, his shoulders slouch a little, his expression turning to one that mixed anger, regret and sadness. Kyle had talked about him? He wondered if it had been good. Did Kyle remember their fight over Alice? Did he remember their rivalry? Or did he just choose to remember the good and ignore the rift between them?

"Yeah... nice to meet you too, I guess." His eyes do not drop from hers. "You don't know where Kyle lives now, do you?" He wouldn't guess that Kyle was still living with Phil at this point.

Stacy's question turn's Eric's head as he continues to use his arms as a pillow. A little grin surfaces again. She must really have liked doing this before. Why not again? He had nothing better to do, and in all honesty, he was enjoying himself. "Sure..."

Just watching her for a few long minutes, he finally picks himself up and finds a nice spot on some hay bales, stretching out his legs and leaning back where he still had a clear view of the night sky. Settling in, he folds his arms, tucking his jacket in a little tighter. It wasn't really cold up here, but there was a bit of a cool breeze in the air tonight.

As quietness settles over the hayloft, Eric's eyes wander back to Stacy once more. He felt just a little silly that he was over here and she was on the other side. Half a smile emerges and he nods to the empty spot beside him, silently inviting her if she felt so inclined.

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