

Giving a nod of her head at least Katie new Hunter wasn't tipsy anymore. That was a good thing, means he would hopefully answer the questions honestly, and this could be done with quickly.

   "I guess you have a point she does race against you."

Looking down at her papers again Katie gives a small sigh and she jots a few things down. Her mind seemed to be slightly else where even though she was doing something different. She just couldn't help it. She hadn't hear from Jason today, and he was late coming into work. In a way it made her worried..but why hadn't she tried calling him.

   "Where you there the night of the accident with the one driver? Heard it was pretty bad. Some people day there was more behind it than a simple fluke. Do you have any thoughts on it?"

Listing to Eric Stacy leans her head back against and gives a nod as he talked. She liked listing to him no matter  how long or story the store was. His voice just had a nice tone to it. Continuing to listen a bit of sadness flowed over Stacy. She could tell just about how he talked that he had really enjoyed it.

   "I'm sorry that happened to you. I couldn't imagine something like that happening."

Looking up at the sky and just letting out a content sigh Stacy is silent again just letting it wash over them. It was a nice feeling not having to fish for something to say. Just sitting there in silence letting the breeze blow quietly over them.

   "I know though now, thats why I would feel the safest with you teaching Ash how to ride. I don't think you would ever let anything happen to her. Accidents happen yes but I know you would do what you could to keep her safe."

Turning her gaze back to Eric and giving a smile.

   "Thank you for being there for Ash. She's never had a father or a male figure in her life and I know thats important for a young woman. I know your not her dad, but she really respects you and I just...I thank you for that."

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