

Ryan gives a nod to her brother. Somewhere inside she new this wasn't her fault but she couldn't get head to agree with her. She still felt like this was on her shoulder, and if it wasn't for her Tal never would of gotten hurt. She should have known better.

Following her brother into the room Ryan wasn't sure what she expected but it wasn't what she saw. Coming closer to Tal Ryan could feel her heart race and her eyes start to pool a little more. It was so hard to see Tal like this he looked....horrible.

   "Oh Tal..."

Softly Ryan places her arm on his shoulder as she looked down on her. Her anger for Tal increased even more as she continued to look at him. How could anyone do this to someone as sweet as Tal. Alec had no right to get off and if she was the one to teach him a lesson than she would.

   "You hand in there you hear me Tal, you dont give up."

Looking to her brother and than to Tal Ryan shakes her head and whipes a tear away. It was rare for Ryan to cry but she couldn't help it this time around. Turning around from Tal Ryan looks to Eli a flame in her eye. She was beyond upset, hurt, and sad.

   "Alec can't get away with this I wont let him."

Leaving the room there was nothing more she could do here right now so her next destination was Alec's apartment. Exiting the hospital she dosn't look behind her and if Eli was calling to her she had no idea. Her mind was focused on one thing. Getting to her car and hopping in Ryan revs the engin before taking off with a screech. 

...Getting to Alec's apartment Ryan parks her car and gets out seeing his bike parked there he new he was back home now. Getting inside and knocking on the door loudly Ryan stands there the fire in her eyes and her arms cross over her chest.

Looking up once more and seeing what Eric was saying was the truth Ashlee gives a smile. It was nice to know that Her mom and Eric were still friends and he wasn't mad at her. It was a releaf and Eric was so soft about it, it was nice.

   "Thanks Eric that means a lot."

Feeling the tug on her poneytale and hearing Eric still wanted her in the barn in the morning made her eyes light up and she smiled even more.

   "You bet I'll be there. Wouldn't miss it for anything."

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