

Carson barely heard the bell on the door and when Katie starts rattling off numbers, his eyes stayed focused on his paper. When he looks up though, he was grinning. "Hey, Kat." 

Leaning on the counter, he cocks his head, trying to read her face. Was she here on Elite business? Was he in trouble? No... no it didn't look like it. Was something wrong? Maybe. She didn't look very happy. 

"I've always got time for you. What's up?"

Having Trey suddenly appear, Cindy's eyes fill with hope. Con almost laughs, since they'd just been talking about him. Seeing how Trey interacted with Kaylee, he smiles. 

Kaylee squeals and points at her brother. "Trey!" 

Cindy smiles up at her son, so happy that he was still willing to talk to her. And he wanted to do lunch again? That was even better. Her smile widens. "I'd love to. I'm leaving in another day or two... how about lunch tomorrow? I can come pick you up..." 

Con was glad to see them interacting so well. It was a sign of hope for something better. Leaning down close to Kaylee's ear, he whispers something to her. She looks around for a moment then slides down off his knee to trot over to Trey. Holding her arms in the air she looks up at him. "Up! Up!" 

Jared grins. "Then I'll just have to find a good job that pays enough so I can afford you."

Taking a sip of orange juice this time, the taste makes his tongue tingle. And for no more than a split second, he was sitting at a kitchen table. 

Almost dropping the cup, his smile fades and his eyes stare off into space as his mind tries desperately not to lose the image. A kitchen... a woman... blonde... Wait, there was something more... he was leaving? A porch... a car... bending to pick up something off the street? Then he...

Jared sucks in a quick breath, starting to shake in a panic attack. He'd seen it. He'd seen the bus. Right before he'd.... He gives a little jump as the violent, painful memory flashes through his mind. It was the most frightening thing he'd ever experienced. 

Terror was in his gaze as he finally looks back to Grace. His face was pale and his hands were gripping the bedsheets so tightly that his knuckles were white. Still trembling, he swallows hard, feeling as though his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. "The accident," he whimpers. "I... I remember... getting hit..."

Eric laughs and shakes his head at Stacy. "I have a feeling we don't stand a chance against those two."

As their food arrives, conversation pauses for a prayer then everyone digging in to their food. Everything was cooked very well, each dish tasting oh so good.

The evening was very enjoyable, and by the time the plates were empty, everyone was stuffed. It didn't stop them from still wanting to play miniature golf though, so it wasn't long before they were at the course, staring at hole number one.

Eric puts the score card and little pencil in his shirt pocket and gestures to the others. "Okay, you guys figure out who's going first."

"Mmm... lunch, animal shelter, ice cream, antiques... and all with a friend." Zach grins, giving Beth a sidelong glance. Sitting on the sidewalk bench with her, they'd just been resting their feet and watching passersby. "Thanks for making my boring day off work not so boring, Beth."

He really had had a good time today. Beth was sweet and fun and had a good sense of humor... He could tell there was a more sheltered side of her - a side that had shyness and hesitance in it. But it hadn't hindered their fun, and it really had been a whole lot better than staying home and doing nothing today.

Shifting a little to see her better, his grin turns into one a little more crooked. "You, um... on one of your nights off next week... I mean... would you want to do dinner sometime?"

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